
The areas surrounding Trevenna in Pretoria Central consist mostly of apartments which is an affordable property usage that will never lose its appeal or true value.

Due to the fact that a large part of consumers in the property market consist of first-time buyers, young married couples and single persons means that this will always be the entry point and exceptionally high demand.

When one then also looks at the requirements of young couples or the younger generation some of the factors that determine their lifestyle are convenience, affordability, low maintenance and security along with easy access to commercial or industrial hubs. Trevenna is in a prime location offering easy access by either informal means of public transport, own transport or public transport services which in turn allows for a bit more disposable household income.

The apartments vary in what they have to offer from bachelor’s apartments, one bedroom apartments and three bedroom apartments and due to the fact that many of the apartment buildings are older means the floor space is larger than one would expect.

Then the apartments are also a market which investors target in the rental market as the student residential market is lucrative and perpetual.

Trevenna is close to UNISA, Tukkies, TUT and various other educational institutions.

Being close to the Pretoria railway terminal, mean suburbs like Centurion or Midrand are just as accessible via the Gautrain system or the Metro rail public system.

Trevenna is not quit as busy as say Sunnyside and will then also be ideal for the older generation with families.

This then means there are numerous established educational institutions catering for the suburb such as Pretoria Technical High School, Pretoria Boys High School, Pretoria Primary School and Princefield Primary and High School.

There are more than enough malls to choose from for retail needs such as Sunnypark Mall, Sammy Marks Square and Barclay Square.

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