Blog posts filed under Pretoria East Estates

Natural Wonders at The Meadows


Nkwe resort - I happened upon it completely by accident, possibly extremely distracted by the magnificence of the estates that I passed as I drove, their glory certainly visible from afar. Upon a whim, I decided to follow the “turn right” sign, my new path leading into the very heart of the hills that gave even more character to an area already abound in glorious visual stimuli. Never did I think this could be improved upon until I parked, got out, and surveyed the destination that had seemingly chosen to discover me. Words failed me as the absolute perfection of the natural world stared at me, smiling at the look on my face. The waterfall in the distance provided a near-magical ambience that played gently in the background. The lake that stood before me, sunken several metres into the very bedrock of the earth, beckoned me to join in its seemingly eternal existence, free of care, of complaint, of worry. The cliffs on its northern shore overlooked the life-liquid below with near arrogance, their red and brown rocks as though precious stones, unmoveable, unattainable by any, in their pursuit to be enjoyed by all. Every part of this God-given environment seemed to be celebrating its own existence. It was truly spectacular that not minutes before I had turned off a tarmac surrounded by every conceivable sign of modern human existence, the noises that I had become so accustom to hearing disappearing into the distance, to be replaced by the sounds of running rivers and ghostly sighs, the latter compliments of the wind through the trees, as though speaking to each other, exclaiming how simply awe-inspiring their home was, and how lucky we, as visitors, were in being able to share it. more

Pets at Boardwalk Meander Estate


One of the main things that differentiate us, human beings, from animals, is the fact that we can manipulate the world to our benefit. No other species on the planet can do so as deliberately and as cognitively as human beings. Among the many things we have done that have set us apart from our primal counterparts is to cultivate the strengths and natural inclinations of the animals around us, to help us in the shaping of our world. Naturally you wouldn’t need such a phenomenon at your homes in Boardwalk Meander. Just as a quick example, what animal can you think of that deliberately uses another animal to transport its meat, water or edible vegetation for it, not unlike man has done with horse, donkey, husky, camel, alpaca, elephant and countless others? Alternatively, when have you seen an animal of any kind use another animal during the course of combat against its own kind for food or territory? That is unmistakable human behavior. more

Dining at Boardwalk Meander Estate


Would you consider cooking a hobby or a pastime? Many people, including myself believe so. I know of countless individuals that who engage in such as an activity of leisure. I personally perceive it as a relatively new concept in human history. I don’t imagine cooking to have always been something that people engage in for the mere enjoyment of the process and the subsequent final product. I suspect that people would definitely have simply cooked for the primary and sole purpose for the preparation of food for consumption and sustenance. In fact, I am quite positive that once upon a time, food was not even aesthetically appealing. Im currently picturing a skinned rabbit sitting on a spit constructed from unsterilized sticks found on the ground around the kill site – just like in the movies. more

Party Plot at The Ridge Estate


For as long as I can remember my family has always been very open, welcoming and extremely amicable. No matter where we have lived as a family or even when we haven’t been together as individuals, we always seem to carry that banner of behalf of every other member. You can be assured that no matter where we might be, we will host gatherings for our family, friends, colleagues and/or acquaintances at least once a month. More often than not, they are completely planned and prepared for; however, sometimes something a simple and straightforward my friends’ parents picking them up, or someone dropping off clothes, food or work documents or someone we know passing by while we are standing outside and deciding to park and greet us, could easily turn into an unplanned shindig. more

Dining at The Ridge Estate


I am positive you have heard the phrase, “guilty pleasures”. If you have heard the phrase before then it is unlikely you have not caught on to the nuance of what this age-old concept suggests. If you have not, I shall define it for you in technical and rather drab terms. According to wikipedia: A guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. The "guilt" involved is sometimes simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes, such as styles of entertainment, fashion, video games, music theatre, television, films, junk food and fetishes can be examples of guilty pleasures. more

Architecture at Boardwalk Meander Estate


I am a huge fan of art, as I have often asserted in our enormously enjoyable exchanges about the goings on in and around the spectacular estates in Pretoria East. I have specified in great detail my affinity for the performed arts, the traditional works in paintings, sculpting and pottery among a few others. Most pertinently to you, I have spoken about the fact that architecture itself can undeniably be considered a form of art – an art in which the designer uses his creativity, passion, expertise and invention to design the most aesthetically pleasing home possible, that also allows for the most comfortable residential experience and cultivates the sensations of a home. I did not specify what that is precisely, nor will I per say. What I will state, again, is that you are sure to find very beautiful houses for sale in Boardwalk Meander Estate, regardless of your specific tastes in architecture. more

Business At Boardwalk Meander Estate


I am an entrepreneur at heart. I believe I always have been, as does my beloved mother. She claims that as early as about five years old, I was in the business of trying to make money or cultivating benefit where an opportunity or niche would emerge. She has told us countless stories many of which I have forgotten the of, but many of them included a punch line about my trying to sell my toys to the kindergarten teachers since it seemed as though there were not enough toys in the establishment, consequently requiring sharing. Be frank, that is just genius! I wish I had done some saving. , if I had been this entire time, I might have been able to buy one of those properties for sale in Boardwalk Meander Estate! more

Recreational Facilities at Boardwalk Meander Estate


Recreation is a pivotal part of human and child development. For me, from a political perspective, it is also important to the fabric of the social development of communities and countries. Recreation provides countless platforms for numerous elements of cognitive, emotional and physical fortification, understanding, growth and sustenance thereby augmenting the already vividly involved process of intellectual and social maturation. What Im basically saying is that participation in different forms of recreation, children in particular are exposed to more than what they would in the classroom alone, and adults more than they are at work, thereby opening their minds and hearts to people, places, ideas and experiences they otherwise might not have. more

Natural Wonder at The Ridge Estate


It is important to be as honest and open as possible. Sure it is important to be so with people in general, but it is more important to be honest and open with oneself. If I might be frank with you (and myself) the environment is not something I spend enormous amounts of time pondering. I rarely take a step back and think to myself, “what will become of our ozone layer because of all the carbon emissions from our cars and companies,” or “pharmaceutical companies continue to destroy our drinking water with chemical contaminants, and if they do not heed environmentally friendly testing and development practices, what will we drink?” I wouldn’t expect this concern to be a prevalent one among the residence of a gorgeous homes in The Ridge Estate either. more

Schools at Boardwalk Meander Estate


I would like to tell you a short allegory, the protagonist of which is an old friend of mine. I quite frankly am not sure whether or not he would appreciate my contravening his image rights for commercial purposes; although, if I tell him I was simply using his unique experiences and endeavors to exemplify the potential difficulties and triumphs of life to help guide others in their lives, I am positive he would approve. Ill be sure to acquit myself of any guilt by confirming that with him later. I suppose, for our purposes, I will later his name and for the time being, I shall proceed. more

Security at Boardwalk Meander Estate


You know what Ive always enjoyed imagining? Living in one of those fairytale castles that you often see in Disney productions. At times, I imagine myself living in one of those or I picture myself residing over the castles they depict in real productions, such as Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. I am not sure if I am adequately explaining it correctly, however, Im positive you must have an idea of what Im referring to. The large and extremely old looking stone structures that are usually surrounded by an awesome looking mote, a draw bridge and some sort of fire torches on either side of the massive gate or door, that illuminate the entrance for weary travelers arriving on horse back or carriage. It is more than unlikely that the houses for sale in Boardwalk Meander Estate will look anything like these monumental fortresses, but consider the facets of those mammoth structures and you might find that the principles of grandeur and safety are rather similar. more

Malls at Silver Stream Estate


No matter how many items we own it never seems enough. No matter how much we have, we always seem to need more. It is as though when you purchase something, you will have to make everlasting and continuous corollary purchases in order to augment, repair or even initially operate whatever it is that you have purchases in the first place. It is like some sadistic mathematical equation with exponential qualities that ensures that no matter the figure you get, it may get larger. Ok, with the last sentence, I had sincere difficulty conjuring a better analogy, please bear with me. In any case, I am positive you completely understand and even empathize with the notion I am describing. more

Roos Transfer and Safaris at Silver Woods Estate


One of my favorite things about this wonderfully diverse and culturally rich nation of ours, is the spectacular natural beauty that god hath had the grace to bestow upon it. It is almost irrelevant which side of the country you travel too, or even what kind of environment you should come across – be it coastal plains, grasslands, in land plateaus, or even just some random bush en route from Pretoria to Polokwane, it is all absolutely gorgeous. That is in part what the beautiful environment and houses in Silver Woods Estate are trying so hard to preserve, albeit while blending it with the modernity so typical of our rapidly developing land – the spectacular natural appeal of the landscape. more

Business at Silver Stream Estate


Don’t well all love to use the word business? Literally, We use the word denote so many different phenomenon and nuances of our everyday lives that sometimes the traditional definition and application of the word is lost on us altogether. That is not wrong or unacceptable, by any stretch of the imagination. It is simply my observation. For example, I also observe that houses in Silver Stream Estate are spacious and architecturally extremely pleasing to the eye. While it is highly unlikely, you might observe something marginally different to that. My point is, of course it is all up to interpretation, heretofore, mine is that we often lose the true definition of business in our arbitrary and copious use (and sometimes misuse) of the versatile word. more

Schools at Olympus Country Estate


I will be very frank with you. I hated school! Not learning per say, but in the preliminary stages of my intellectual and academic development, say between the ages of 8-14, I could not stand to be in a classroom. Id like to say I wanted to be at home (like one of the beautiful homes in Olympus Country Estate). The fact of the matter is I was more concerned with making friends, video games and sports – all of which I was spectacular at doing. I was not so sterling at being a good and disciplined student. My, mother believing so staunchly in my intellectual capacity and potential was particularly frustrated by my academic performances. Although she did later go on the record as saying that she also believed that I was not particularly stimulated and captivated by the course work and the content of our lessons and curriculum, therefore as would make sense, I did not invest much time and effort. I feel as though the average child is this way. We would rather engage and propagate what we enjoy, have little concern and regard for what we do not and rarely have the presence of mind, gravity of understanding and personal resilience to go on to excel at what we do not enjoy. I think some people continue like that into their adult years. more

Barnyard Theater at The Wilds


“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear;Seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come". - (Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Act II, Scene II). All you need do is imagine a young man with a relatively high pitched voice, a top a high school stage in white garbs and a very haphazard laurel wreath crown, that looks like it could have just been thrown together with autumn leaves from outside the theatre and super glue. more

Showroom Art Gallery at Cormallen Hill Estate


Admittedly, I have never been the best artist on the planet. I refer to artists in the traditional sense; mind you, no designation to musicians, dancers or other artistic performers of the like (which I am far better at may it be said). Not to disparage myself too much, however, I did dabble quite a bit in my younger days. I was an athlete. Yes that did come with its own merit, but there was a respect and awe that good drawers, painter and sculptures could inspire that I found alluring and mysterious. I consequently resolved to teach myself how to draw and attain that same respect and arouse that same awe and admiration I often observed my artistic peers enjoy. While I have not had the privilege of meeting any of them, I imagine that even the architects of the spectacular houses in Cormallen Hill Estate probably savored some serious adulation from their peers. more

Security at Cormallen Hill Estate


As a young, courageous male, who has lived in practically every type of home, quality and class of neighborhood from developing to developed country, I must submit that I would not consider elements such as surrounding aesthetic and safety as primary criterion. However, I do not believe I am incorrect in believing that you would! One thing is unequivocally true, if you are considering the purchase of one of the properties for sale in Cormallen Hill Estate, safety and security is a given, and you can therefore focus on the thousands of other criterion. more

Soultice Spa at Silver Woods Estate


Soul. We hear the word all the time. We use it on a constant basis for animate and inanimate objects. We witness everlasting debates about what the constituents of a soul are. Much like the existence of God, the religious, agnostic and atheist alike have for eons contemplated and conjectured as to what a soul really is. For the purposes of a conversational spring board, wikipedia, the universally accepted overlord of facts, explanations and definitions, describes the soul as follows: “The soul, in many religious, philosophical and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal and, in many conceptions, immortal essence of a living thing,” more

Chocolate Avenue at Woodlands Estate


It was my birthday a few days ago – four to be more precise. One must add that it was not particularly eventful, falling in the middle of a rather busy work and school week. Im not sure that even if I had the time I would have had been capable of mustering the necessary energy to go out and act as though I was tremendously excited to be approaching thirty years old. Please understand, I do not mean to affront those of you reading this that are beyond this universally recognized landmark, but I am certain that you all understand rather intimately that this doubled edged sword of wisdom and approaching caducity can be a rather precarious event to contend with! If I lived in one the lavish homes for sale in Woodlands Estate, things might have been somewhat different on my birthday, albeit moderately. more

Malls at Woodhill Estate


Good day again, oh clever consumer, ye who knows better than anyone, what you need, what you want and what you can and cant have. I will discuss with you, seemingly for the umpteenth time, why and where we must spend our money. You know as well as I do, that not every business, not every product or service is deserving of our hard earned expendable cash and we are not about to simply give it to them. For example, you would consider carefully which of the houses in Woodhill Country Estate, best fit your needs and wants, right? I mean we work and trudge through entirely too much fecal matter up to our necks to unheedingly discard the seemingly disproportionate reward and remuneration, which if it had not been for certain laws and acts, would otherwise be far less! more

Dining at Cormallen Hill Estate


I am such an avid lover of food, of cuisine. I just can’t seem to get enough of food. My mother used to complain that I will bankrupt her with my appetite, but then she rescinded her sometimes-ridiculous comments when she realized that I may turnout to be a professional caliber athlete. Since that was the case, she contended that I should definitely get that professional diet spot on! Not that it would have made much of a difference to me; I certainly would have continued to devour unholy quantities of the deliciousness I was able to amass in our fridge or on our stove top. more

Malls at Six Fountains Estate


Be honest! When was the last time you played video games? I am referring to any video game, really. Should I define video game? I think I should, because some of you aging souls tend to enjoy designating the term for casual and elementary games on your Smartphone, Tablet or Ipad. Do not feign ignorance bemusedly, you know precisely the ones I am talking about. Some of you were playing them directly prior to your decided to do something productive, like exploring the homes for sale in Six Fountains Estate. You probably look so guilty right now. Those are the ones Im talking about. The ones you play to procrastinate at work while the report your sadistic employer derogatorily slammed on your table lays before you, judgingly, urging you to complete it! more

Exercise at Six Fountains Estate


As I sit here and attempt to formulate and link words that might conjure meaning for you, my beloved, intellectual reader (I am sucking up just a little bit, please stay and read this write up), I am huffing and puffing. I am out of breathe as a result of the walk from outside to my very fanciful computers (yes, plural), which it occurs to me that I spend entirely too much time on. Aside from the fact that it is blistering hot, and I have a sneaky suspicion that the ozone layer bore a consciousness, realized what the sun was exactly and what it was capable of and decided to abandon us, I am just tired. How can this be? more

Places of Interest at Silver Stream Estate


Silver Stream Estate. Any name that invokes that degree of tranquility, beauty and natural splendor is certainly a place that I would earnestly consider living in, solely on the whimsical basis of the wondrously ornate name! Not to slight my residential locale, but I am not convinced that the name Meyerspark is particularly conducive to the aims of attraction or enticement – especially if I am looking to start a family, or expand and enhance the life of the one I am privileged to already have. On the other hand, the very well manicured and dexterous hand, I would love to live amongst the incredible houses in Silver Stream Estate. It simply sounds spectacular, does it not? Feel free to disagree, however, I find it unlikely that you will continue to do so once you have seen what the place looks like. Don’t be shy. Click the link above and enter this ozone of modernity fused with antiquity, this beacon of grandeur, spliced by simplicity. more

Places of Worship at Olympus Country Estate


While, I did not have the privilege of growing up in any of the spectacular properties for sale in Olympus Country Estate, I grew up in the church. Most South Africans and African Americans do (I am a cultured little blend of both) – Anglican on both my maternal grandmother and grandfather’s side; also known as Episcopalian across the mighty Atlantic. From as far back as my waning memory can recollect, I have been instructed in the ways of the lord, our father God, and learned of the sacrifice of his son, his own flesh and blood, Jesus Christ, for the atonement of all of mankind’s festering sin. I was taught to both fear and revere the Almighty, and to marvel at his vast and unfathomable creations both big and small and to speak, act and think in his glorious name. more

Schools At Cormallen Hill Estate


I feel am getting on in years; aging like fine wine I’d like to think. Although, that is perhaps not entirely true. I am of the relatively tender age of twenty-six, well en-route to twenty-seven. Notwithstanding the fact that I have been to fourteen countries on four different continents, been a professional soccer player (and retired), started my own football club, attended four of some of the best tertiary institutions in the world (in two countries on two separate continents), been employed in six or seven distinct commercial sectors, paid my own school tuition and assisted my family with three self startup businesses, I am doubtlessly considered, by most societal standards, young; old enough to go to jail for life, of course, if I were to commit a crime warranting such sanction. more

Dining at Boardwalk Manor Estate


What is the perfect date? I wonder only because I cant say that Ive dated much. Ive had plenty of girlfriends (not to brag,) but somehow I managed this feat without too much of the financial strain of the dating phenomenon. I mean, Ive had quite a few companions of the opposite sex – and what a magnificent, fascinating and powerful species they are! Ive even had a girlfriend from a country too miniscule to view on an average map - Bhutan. I have no doubt in my mind that you are likely to have no idea where that is. To be quite frank, I had never heard of the place myself, until I happened upon this exquisite eastern rose petal, kissed by culture, caressed by love, held by harmony, touched by talent, tickled by...oh my! Apologies, I really liked her. more

Malls at Boardwalk Manor Estate


Discretionary Income. As a Business Communications major in college, this became the most operative term in the entire faculty not far removed from disposable income. The commercial definition of this eternally elusive constituent of household comfort and happiness, which has also become an infinitely persuasive force in the shaping of our society is as follows: more

Houses in Cormallen Hill Estate


Good Day, oh wise and astute consumer. Consumers, after all, are what we are above all in this world. We are consumers of culture, religions, technology and fashion. We are consumers of comfort, safety and security. However, more than anything, and often as a prerequisite to the consumption most things, we are consumers of money. As the old adage asserts, “money makes the world go round”. Technically speaking of course, the Earth infact rotates on its axis as a result of its formation within a roundly shaped hydrogen and helium cloud, containing rocks and dust that collapsed from mutual gravity and coalesced to form the solar system; requiring the conservation of its angular momentum, the Earth consequently continues to spin essentially because of inertia! I nevertheless do believe that the symbolic intent of the phrase is not lost on us, for again, we are all consumers. Even to produce, we must consume – resources, time, energy and most importantly money – like you will have to spend to own one of the majestic properties for sale in Cormallen Estate. more

Nightlife at Newmark


We danced, non-stop for hours on end…Well, no, that’s not true. At one point we did stop as the lights above us started flashing – a sigh went up from the crowd, the general conclusion held that is was a signal to last call at the bar. Yet it was only midnight, so that couldn’t be right…My thoughts were interrupted when a column of flame erupted from behind the bar, setting the air alight, the heat felt across the room. Fire-breathers – perhaps something that no other club in the greater metropolitan area of Tshwane is able to claim as part of the entertainment that awaits their clientele. This went on for several minutes, the flames becoming bigger, the applause becoming louder, the intensity of the heat matching that of the music that kept blazing from the speakers. As the show ended, the euphoria that had taken root came rushing back to reclaim its subjects, as on we danced. more

Natural Wonders at Silver Woods


The feeling of nothing, is probably the best way I could start said description. When you leave the cliff face behind, you enter a realm with no sound, no finite sight, no smell, no taste and, perhaps most curiously, no touch, for if you think about it, at any given point you are most likely touching something – your shoes to the ground as you walk, your body to the chair as you sit – yet here exists a space where you simply – “are”. And in that moment, it is as if your cares, your troubles dissipate into the air that surrounds you, worry lifting from your shoulders as though a physical weight removed from your being. It is this feeling that I crave, that I seek constantly in every jump – and it is this feeling that allows me to recharge for the struggles that I am no doubt to face in the days to come. And given that Nkwe resort sits so close as part of the natural amenities of Silver Woods, it is one that , along with numerous others, and hopefully one day, you, are able to enjoy as a resident of the Pretoria east landscape. more

Natural Wonders at Woodhill


The resort is known only as Nkwe. The path that leads off the main road seems to burrow its way into the hills, amongst trees and shrubbery (the trees, good lord, you’ve never seen anything quite like it. Standing on either side of the road they tower above all who pass beneath the, their age unfathomable, their stories great yet forever unknown, as they have surely spanned countless decades, and will surely span countless more). The sounds and sights of the modern world that we know so well fade into the background the further that you drive, until all that is heard is a silence that was never thought possible in the midst of the urbanised environment that is Pretoria. The very texture of the land sees to change, the slopes becoming gentler, colours becoming brighter and more vibrant – the air itself, sweeter and seemingly more breathable than ever – perhaps the only other time I’ve felt this way was upon first seeing the golf course at Woodhill more

Natural Wonders at Newmark


Nkwe resort, very definitely one of the hidden gems of the east, sits a stone’s throw away from the gates that guard the enclosed neighbourhood that is Newmark Estate, thus allowing all who dwell within to access it the absolutely stunning grounds at a moment’s notice. However, it is not only the grounds that give the area the qualities that see the uplift of all who visit the natural environment. That rest stop we were discussing earlier? The fact that our batteries need recharging? This is where it’s done, and it is accomplished in the most spectacular fashion conceivable. For upon entering the gorgeous greens of the resort, tucked away into the hills, the sounds and sights of the urbanised world that surrounds it dulled, one sees the lake that sits at the centre of the park, the focal point, surrounded by a high cliffs on one side and an array of ever-greens on the other, a waterfall renewing the life-giving liquid that is lost to the stream that curves it’s way gently away from deeps of said lake and into the distance. The gentle winds that frequent the area, play upon your face, the refreshing breeze seeing your senses awakening, as colour seem brighter, more intense, as though nature were painting a picture using every available pigment upon her palette. more

Natural Wonders at Woodlands


Nkwe resort – but a moment’s drive from properties within Woodlands, this timeless (and when I say timeless, I mean it looks like the area has been there since the start of time itself, such is the ancient grandeur that the park exudes to all that are privileged enough to grace their eyes with its presence) testament to nature at its most raw, its most beautiful, presents the perfect opportunity in escaping the seemingly inescapable woes of the world through experiences in far distant lands, yet somehow still within walking distance of the nearest arterial road within the eastern suburbs of the capital city – it is quite strange, wonderfully so, that such a gem could find growth, life, within the hub-bub of the capital city, the rate of expansion overtaking everything in its path – yet, somehow, here it is, a hidden marvel that invites all to taste of its invigorating waters and breathe of its life giving air. Included within the proximity of the natural amenities of Woodlands Estate, Nkwe is within grasping distance to all those who would spend a few moments in catching their breadth, steadying their mind and easing their soul, before continuing on with the trek that sees us as part of popular urban culture and society. more

Natural Wonders at Boardwalk Manor


The resort that is Nkwe cannot be oversold, given that I have never seen anything quite like it. The sheer and utter magnificence of the area is seen in the deep, dark, depthless waters that seem to call to out to all who lay eyes on it, to join in its never-ending dance with stream and waterfall that sit on either side, one taking the life-giving waters to the far distant reaches of the park, the other replacing what is lost. As for the water itself? Stunning. Clear, crisp, refreshes like nothing on earth – yes, including Hunters – the way that it envelops the body as you enter it, a feeling that cannot be completely described through type or text or spoken word, but only experienced as part of the natural amenities of Boardwalk Manor. more

Natural Wonders at Willow Acres


Nkwe resort. Tucked away within the hills of the east, it hides in plain sight, what with its gorgeous ode to the world undiscovered by many, yet cherished by the few who know. As you enter the winding path that leads away from the main road, the sounds of modern suburbia seem to dissipate, disappear into the air, as an unnatural quiet befalls the grounds through which you drive – slightly unnerving, given that not seconds before all you could hear were the sounds, the sirens, the movements of motors and machinery that characterise the world that we live in today. Yet not at all intimidating – more inviting, if anything, as though drawing you in, inviting you to relax and enjoy the change in tempo that is to be found within these lands. more

Natural Wonders at Six Fountains


But back to the fact that, should you make your home within the estate that is Six Fountains, you would be able to enjoy these gems of the east whenever you so pleased. It seems almost unbelievable that the area could be furthered by the presence of the described environment, yet here we are, and there it stands, waiting to share the magic that it exudes as soon as you enter park, the trees, their arms stretching upwards as though grasping the sky, providing the much needed shade, much needed shelter from the rays of the midday sun. The green pastures to be found within this particular paradise, green as the Silver Lakes golf course itself, calls to all to sit, to enjoy, to forget the troubles of tomorrow in living in the now. more

Natural Wonders at Silver Stream


We were driving through Pretoria east. I mean that much was obvious, the houses were gorgeous, the plots were of perfect proportion and many a time did we pass the lifestyle centres and prestigious shopping malls that characterise the amenities of Silver Stream Estate – perhaps the most visually pleasing complex that I have ever had the pleasure of passing – like we slowed to down to better appreciate the stunning architecture that no doubt was characteristic of the enclosed neighbourhood throughout the interior urban environment. However the feeling of awe and wonder at beautifully constructed estate was somewhat punctured by the sheer frustration of the fact the our global positioning system decided to develop an attitude reminiscent of my ex-girlfriend, the result of which saw us driving around in circles for what felt like an eternity and then some. Eventually we gave up – and decided that, given that we had already spent so much time and energy in an attempt to reach the fun filled halls of the house that was to be our final destination, we may as well drive until we found something to that, at the very least, fulfilled the “fun” category of the aforementioned description. Oddly enough, that “something” turned out to be right around the corner. more

Natural Wonders at Silver Lakes


This description in fun was found in said story of yesterday. Quite unexpectedly and due to a multitude of factors, not least of which was the fact that our Garmin decided to develop an attitude, we found ourselves driving down the roads that flow through the Pretoria east region, passing the very enclosures about which I write – and it needs to be said that even from the distance of the roadside, the security at Silver Lakes was palpable; it is no wonder that they invite such fearlessness within their residents. The area was stunning. Having just experienced several hours of overnight rainfall, the land was awash with the greens, reds and browns that have come to be associated with the southern African topography. Grasslands overflowing with new growth, the air abuzz with birdlife and the sun peaking between the clouds as though hinting at the heat that was to come (and come it did, the middle of the day saw rays from above pounding mercilessly upon the earth). It was truly a spectacular site to behold. more

Natural Wonders at The Wilds


Strange, how close we found ourselves to the great enclosed neighbourhoods of the east, such was the feeling of separation from all that was urban and modern. It was though some one had turned off the daily sounds that I had become so accustomed to, and replaced them with an ambience that one is surely to find in on the other side of the pearly gates, the lack of anything reminiscent of the 21st century being utter bliss - the only car in sight was mine, parked upon patch of smooth grass just atop the hill. As for the safety factor? So peaceful was the area that security, in its passive form, was surely of the same level, the highest level, comparable to that of the security at The Wilds. The land in which I found myself was utterly breath-taking. more

Nightlife at The Meadows


Cubana, however, does not stand as the only option when seeking that night not-to-be-remembered yet not-soon-forgotten (yes, both are possible). TY’s nightclub (hmm, I was there last night, I just remembered that…you see, both are indeed possible) sees the darkness punctured by strobes that pulse to the beat of the music provide by the resident DJ’s – the only time said DJ’s are not making people wonder at their musical capabilities is when guest artists, the likes of Crazy White Boy in the mix, set the dance floor on fire. You’ve never experienced anything quite like it, and it’s doubtful that you’ll find a feeling like it anywhere else. The enjoyment to be had mixed in with the class and style of the high life, what with the newly constructed outdoor patio and hookah lounge, you’ll be spending almost every moment of your free time in anticipation of the nights that lay ahead. Time certainly bears no meaning when you stand upon the dancefloor at TY’s, marvelling at the men and women all dressed to the nines (don’t worry, you look great too). The VIP section beckons, the lights enthral and the music adjusts your heartbeat accordingly – heaven on earth? Why bother, we’ve got TY’s. more

Natural Wonders at Heron Hill


I swear if I ever bought into properties within Heron Hill, it would be so that I could live closer to this new-found treasure that we had stumbled upon. It was as though God himself (or herself) had accidently-on-purpose spilled a bucket of magic, and the result was what lay before me. A waterfall, a lake surrounded by cliffs – and as I watched, body after body would fling themselves off the edge of said cliffs into the abyss, a look of sheer ecstasy coming across their faces as they lay suspended in nothingness, before breaking the water with a deafening crash, returning to the surface, the aforementioned look of ecstasy now replaced with a sheer disbelief in what had just happened. more

A Description in Heron Hill


As with a blank canvas, the artists brush poised above her palette, the land awaits the marvels that are to come in complimenting the already existing natural beauty that graces the African landscape that we all know and love. For it is with expert craftsmanship that development has begun to alter the once open spaces on the savannahs of the peninsula as we construct and create the very edifices that put us the map as the planet’s dominant species. The houses, soon to be homes, already standing, see the use of gorgeous architectural techniques in the evolution of modern ideas of living – however, we shall not forget our roots; In a hat tip to the tried and trusted methods of old, the use of north-south facing homesteads sees the incorporation of natural light, which means that houses built within the enclosure receive maximum exposure to the nourishing, natural rays, said rays surpassing any and all attempts in its emulation. The house themselves adhere to strict architectural guidelines, meaning that at no point will any brick be out of place, any pillar lay askew nor any home be of sub-standard levels – in short, nothing but the most exquisite is accepted here in ensuring the utmost value with regards to the quality of living for those who would call Heron Hill home. more

Nightlife at The Wilds


The great thing about Menlyn square, besides the potent proximity to The Wilds itself, is the amount of choice that you have in terms of where to end up once you walk into this particular quadrangle of wonder. Oh, I’m sorry, you thought there was but one turn-up club in which to get down? Well you thought wrong! - I’m not shouting at you, I’m just excited. Directly adjacent to Cubana – and when I say adjacent, I mean the way my screen is adjacent to my keyboard – is TY’s nightclub, and for those of you that don’t know, good lord you’re certainly in for the evening of a lifetime. I’m pretty sure last time I was there I met Toya de Lazy while Crazy White Boy performed and the resident DJ’s gave out free champagne to all that would have it - catching you attention now aren’t I? With a newly constructed outdoor deck section and hubbly bar, as though to meld the tastes of the exotic Middle East with the modern African South, TY’s does the utmost is ensuring that its clientele has the time of their lives, putting good times far ahead of profit in a dazzling display of what every weekend night should look like. more

Nightlife at Woodlands


One would think that I’d be absolutely heartbroken about being asked to leave this Eden of the night, what with its fancy music, fancy clientele, their fancy patter while doing fancy things to the dancefloor (apparently I’ve run out of adjectives, give me a moment). I wasn’t. The gorgeous thing, the absolutely magnificent solution to the untimely exit (ah okay I’ve managed to re-open my vault of words once more) is that right next door to the paradise of TY’s lay the Utopia of Cubana. Literally right. Next Door – funny, I used that same phrase to describe the amenities of Woodlands when pushing their repertoire in a previous article. Before they found out that I had a knack for losing my head and my shirt, I made sure I was within those walls and on that floor, enjoying the Caribbean flavour that seemed to spill from every light and every flaming lamp, every colourful drink and every fire breathers mouth – although in their case, it wasn’t so much “spilled” as it was setting the air alight in a glorious display of flame handling virtuosity – one could almost compare their control to that of Beethoven’s fingers on a keyboard…okay no you couldn’t, the keyboard wasn’t on fire. My point is, that should you ever find yourself needing a change of scenery, Menlyn Square provides just that in the multitude of options at your disposal. more

Nightlife at Silver Lakes


Tiger Tiger does not, however, stand unrivalled in its capacity to astound and amaze all those who seek that night to remember. Standing at the opposite side of the field of battle is not one, not two, but three of the east’s trendiest (wow I never thought I’d use that word, how times have changed – it’s up there with “vibe”, and “kale”) places to be seen when dressing to the nines for a night out on the town. I speak of course, of TY’s, Cubana, and News Café, and the distance between their names on this page is comparable to their proximity should you be standing at any entrance – sort of like the amenities at Silver Lakes on a micro-scale. No doubt greatness breads greatness when it comes to the east, and in a continued effort to constantly raise the bar in club-life entertainment, each of these three tributes to after-dark activities does the utmost to outdo not only each other, but you’d swear every other sector in the country, such is their dedication to those looking for a way to kick back, relax and enjoy the sights and sounds provided. more

Nightlife at Woodhill


Tiger Tiger, you see, is more than just “some club”. No, good people of the east, besides being a stone’s throw away from the properties of Woodhill Estate – extremely convenient when needing to a dancefloor in a hurry, the feeling can strike at any time. Most recently in aisle 8 at Spar, (I was listening to Skrillex so what do you expect) – is the class and quality that is to be found within its walls, not soon to be outdone, and it’s quite easy to understand why. What with the themed parties – everything from Copa Cabana to Moulin Rouge – shows for the guys, performances for the ladies, a multitude of bars, excellent seating areas both inside and outside of the club and a dancefloor upon which Elvis himself would cry for sheer joy, Tiger Tiger is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to having a good night out. And what would you expect from a club that forms part of the amenities at Woodhill? more

Malls at Heron Hill


“How does this fit into the opening paragraph’s description of amenities?” Cool it, I know you’ve been stuck in traffic for a while, but I’m getting there. And in arriving at my point I say: Imagine if said traffic could be avoided, while still allowing you to enjoy a shopping experience that lets you take your time in making sure you have everything you need (we all know the head-slap – the one we give ourselves when we’re unpacking the groceries and realise we forgot the ice-cream cake…or whatever else you deem as the utmost importance on your shopping list), and still have time to browse a few of your favourite stores on the way out. Sound a bit too good to be true? Not for those who live within the properties of Heron Hill it’s not, as they will surely attest. For when you live mere minutes away from lifestyle centres such as Woodlands Boulevard, the feeling of having everything you need, everything you want, and everything you want to need and need to want, at your fingertips, will become natural – as though it were always meant to be. The incredible array of stores that stand ready to fulfil your every need as a 21st century shopper see an incredible selection in terms of the very the best in brand name items, whether sporting, fashion or culinary in character. more

Schools at Heron Hill


The sports grounds at Hatfield Christian School are incredible, perfectly manicured and kept in the most pristine condition upon which to cultivate the finest in the sports stars of the future. Further than that however, the emphasis that HCS places on sports will no doubt see the aforementioned growth in terms of the characteristics that see not only its students become the most successful in their careers of choice, but also the most well-rounded individuals of the day, sure to gain the respect of all that have the privilege of making their acquaintance. more

Security at Heron Hill


Safety is a mind-set – I quite like that description. As opposed to the pages and pages in technical description of exactly how high the voltage of an electric fence is, or how much steel alloy was used to reinforce the perimeter walls, or just how high the resolution is on the CCTV cameras that dot the enclosure, I feel that real safety is felt when you simply do not realise its existence. When you are able to go to bed with the windows open, or fall asleep without care nor concern for the wellbeing of your vehicle as it you didn’t pull it into the double garage, but rather parked it in the drive way, or even leaving the front door unlocked – when any or all of the aforementioned is the case, and you still manage pass out without the niggling feeling or, as is the case many times, the burning fear that you’ve forgotten something that puts you and your family in jeopardy, that is when safety is truly felt. And it is this feeling that Heron Hill strives to emulate in every way through its comprehensive take on security matters. more

A Description in Newmark


Security at Newmark is definitely not something to be taken lightly - were you a would-be intruder hoping to somehow circumvent the vast array of protocols in place, I strongly advise you to reconsider – for starters, you can’t…actually that’s pretty much all there is to say on the matter. The airtight security systems in place make it impossible to move about undetected within the neighbourhood – or around it for that matter, as CCTV cameras have been placed strategically facing both outward and within, meaning that no blind spots exists from which to begin an offensive, this description already passing over the motion sensors, guard patrol and electrical wiring that sits atop the walls that guard all those who sleep peacefully within the properties of Newmark. more

Security at Six Fountains


Surely one of the main goals of any enclosed estate is to provide the kind of security and safety that is becoming all to necessary in today’s urbanised world, as the dangers of the city adapt and evolve in keeping up with the methods that are used in an attempt to eradicate them. Crime has existed within metropolitan areas for generations, and will exist for generations to come - it is an unfortunate truth. However, an area that we as a global society have certainly been making gains in is the ability to pro-actively defend ourselves and our families from said dangers in more and more innovative methods every day. more

Sterling Silver at Silver Lakes


To your left, the source of the sounds of water. A lake, its surface that of glass, unbroken, clear, transparent as far down as the sun’s rays will reach. Yet to your right, something seemingly out of place in this oasis…houses. But how could it be that in the midst of all that thrives in natural beauty, there are houses? Is it at all possible that people actually call this haven, dare you think it, home? For never in all your days, not once throughout your travels have you encountered mortal existence so close to place that speaks of eternity, such is it’s resemblance to the paradise of the pearly gates. Yet there they stand, their marble walls shimmering across time and space to reach your eyes, to dazzle them with the spectacular architecture that has seen these properties of Silver Lakes become known as some of the most painstakingly thought-out, most beautiful constructed in all of the capital. It cannot be that these marvels of modern engineering and architecture find refuge within the walls of this great enclosure. Yet, somehow, they do. more

Amenities at Six Fountains


Furthering in descriptions of greatness for this particular testament to the modern shopping experience, The Grove shopping centre boasts the only ice rink for miles around, meaning that, in conjunction with the brand-spanking-new games centre, this mall is the answer to the question parents have been asking for aeons – “What on earth am I going to do for my child’s birthday party (insert last minute stress and hair pulling here)?” The Grove also sees a food court that makes use of an open court yard and beautifully natural light, with restaurants to die for, and secure off-street parking, the safety of your vehicle rivalling the kind of security at Six Fountains itself. more

Where The Wild Things Are


Worried about Security at the Wilds? That worry is about as useful as glass of water in the Sahara. The Wilds Estate makes the safety of its residents its number one concern, seen in its use of the very latest and greatest in surveillance technology and personalised security methods. Those who stand at the helm of this operation in safeguarding are the very best of the best, with extensive on and off the job experience. The regular changing of shifts means that no one will ever succumb to the effects of fatigue – for there can be no dulling of the senses when it comes to the game of protection. 24 hour watch is maintained throughout the enclosure through the use of high-resolution and infra-red cameras; motion sensors placed around perimeter of the enclosure ensures that nothing and no one approaches the walls, said walls topped with high voltage electrical wiring, without the guard detail knowing about it, and regular patrols that frequent the well-lit streets ensures that help is but a few seconds away, at any time. more

Woodhill, an Overview


I doubt there is anything that anybody can say that will convince you to the point of certainty that any property is “the one” for you. Buying a house isn’t simply about purchasing land with a few bricks stacked in neat rows, regardless of how exquisite the architecture. It means entering into a life on behalf of your family, a place where only the very best should be provided for their wellbeing and growth. It means knowing that they are safe, no matter what time of day or night it is, and resting peacefully in the knowledge that you have done everything within your power to provide only the very best for your loved ones more

Amenities at Woodlands


Just as nature interacts with humanity to give those living within the properties of Woodlands Estate a quality of life of the highest standard, so does Woodlands, as an estate, a living, breathing organism pulsing with life, do the same with the surrounding area in giving residents an excellent proximity to any and everything their hearts desire, through excellent access to some of the best shopping malls the continent has ever seen. Take Menlyn Retail for example – soon to be very different from the mall that you and I grew up around, for their expansion program, already underway, sees the arrival of scores of new stores of both local and international recognition. This is in addition to the already existing shopping opportunities made available by the hundreds of stores open for business all year round, helping to make Menlyn one of the largest malls in terms of the number of shops within one place, on the African continent. more

Amenities at Heron Hill


The classy restaurants that surround Heron Hill, most notably within Menlyn Retail, speak of many a romantic evening to be had, in fine dining, fine wining, and very definitely, fine looking men and women, dressed to nines in enjoying a night out with their significant other. The likes of Baobab and Cappuccinos have certainly seen more than one proposal upon a mid-summer night’s eve. more

Security at Silver Lakes


The physical fortifications of the enclosure are instantly visible, their mere presence a deterrent to those who wish to try their ill-fated luck in gaining unwarranted access. For who but a mad-man would attempt to scale the large walls, in reaching their summit to find their path blocked by wires sizzling with electricity? And if they did manage to bypass the kilometres of electrical fencing that runs the perimeter of the enclosure, there are no blind spots when it comes to the motion sensors that litter the ground, their keen sixth sense alerted by movements, great and small alike. more

Nightlife at Heron Hill


It’s definitely easier when you live close to where said nights are had. I mean I don’t even live at Heron Hill and it took me all of ten minutes, with traffic, to get to where the festivities took place (and good god did they take place, but more on that later). The excellent proximity of the clubs, pubs, bars and restaurants to all those who call the eastern suburbs of the capital home means that no matter what you’re feeling for – a romantic date with your better half, or a party to remember with the mates (possibly to meet the one whom you can take out on the aforementioned romantic date) – the answer is literally around the corner. From the famed Tiger Tiger, where the in-house DJ’s do their best to provide you with the bass that keeps blazing out the speakers, complimented with international acts and themed parties to rival those of Ibiza (yes, pronounced “I-bi-tha”) – The Halloween party earlier this year? You ever watched The Walking Dead? Like that, but somehow everyone still looked hella sexy. Albeit sexy zombies, but let’s not argue over semantics no? My point is, if you’re a creature of the night and hate the commute that it takes to get your body grinding on a dance floor to the beats of Africa, then properties in Heron Hill is something you should seriously think about investing in. more

Schools at Six Fountains


Abbotts College – if you want forward thinking, this is it. A private high school institution, Abbotts sees the use of a stylised and unique curriculum, better suited for the specific needs of the employment sector of a modern day free-market system. In other words, students are encouraged to think outside the box in attempting to make their own dreams a reality. For they know that, should they not seek to make it on their terms, they will find themselves in the employment of someone who is doing just that. And with the facilities and personnel to help them achieve this goal – the very latest in biology labs for aspiring scientists, fully-stocked, state-of-the-art kitchens for those wishing to achieve culinary greatness, I.T. facilities that would make Gates proud and more, there is no doubt that the next Shelldrake, the next Oliver, possibly the next Armstrong (Neil, Lance, take your pick) will emerge from the halls of Abbotts College to dominate their field of choice in ways no one ever has before. more

Schools at Silver Woods


With a strong emphasis on religious growth, academic teachings are coupled with movement towards fearlessness through faith. The vast and varied sports program (upon, honestly, what must be some of the most well-kept facilities I’ve ever laid eyes on), means that just as the mind and spirit grow, so does the body in strength and health. But perhaps the most advantageous aspect of this particular academy is shared with the latter mentioned Doxa Deo, in that it provides an uninterrupted year-by-year succession from the first grade all the way to matric, meaning that students are undisturbed in the furthering of said precious education both on and off the sports fields, and both in and of the heart and mind. more

Schools of Newmark Estate


In elaborating on the main advantage that the properties in Newmark Estate have above and beyond those not within the Pretoria east region, I point to the proximity between Newmark, and the schools that complement the area, both in their presence and academic influence – and said distance may be difficult to describe, due to the great and utter lack of it. So close will you find yourself to the institutes that would be the stepping stones to your child’s future that you may not even find it necessary to oversee their travels to and from the front doors of the schools (or as I like to call them, portals to excellence – patent pending). Surely though, I need to elaborate on the quality of said schools if I am to convince you of what they have to offer in terms of the life that awaits for you children – and such is the standard of their efforts in teaching, that I can honestly say I would be my pleasure to do just that. more

Schools at Silver Stream


Lerato Convent School for gorgeously-tailored, brilliant-in-mind-and-spirit, out-of-this-world Ladies…okay fine I added a few description of my own into the name, but can you blame me? I mean the sheer level and quality of education that the young women of tomorrow find within these walls is outstanding, and has an extremely rich history behind it. Founded in 1878 (and just to be clear, that is over a century and three decades of academic excellence), Lerato Convent School sees the amalgamation of all that is good in education and religion under one banner of continued personal and spiritual growth. With great emphasis on what the modern woman needs to survive in a patriarchal world, the uniquely tailored curriculum will see your daughter become one to respected and idolised, a far throw from the conventional notion of gender specific stereotypes that we have all come to know, and unfortunately accept – not anymore however. Lerato breaks the mould in a glorious manner. more

Schools at the Meadows


I believe I’ve highlighted the importance of the extra-curricular, sporting kinda side of things, in conjunction with a healthy mind – for the two no doubt complement each other in the most beautiful way. I believe the present problem that now faces us with teeth bared and claws unsheathed, is that of where to find such an academy – one that ensconces the principles of sporting victory and fair play. Hardly a problem - the beast’s teeth are made of rubber and his claws short and brittle – for The Glen stands out amongst the amenities near The Meadows Estate as a place of fierce competition, never content to rest upon their laurels. more

Amenities at The Wilds


The Wilds has certainly gone the distance in solving the problem of proximity. Situated moments away from the well-guarded portals of the Estate (such is the security at The Wilds) are the very best in lifestyles centres of Pretoria, and offering the very best of absolutely anything you need – honestly it would probably make more sense to move into the mall. The necessities and wants of life are displayed within brightly lit windows for all to see, as international and local brands alike make their mark on the South African shopper. And around this time of year? It’s as if all these malls were in some sort of to-the-death competition to see who could install the very grandest Christmas decorations. more

Schools at The Wilds Estate


One is not able to achieve the standards of education that would allow your child to be the next Einstein (or Einsten’s wife – she did all of the maths necessary to construct his hypotheses, true story) without help. Which is where the marvellous institutes of Pretoria’s eastern reaches have stepped in with a solution that resounds across the capital, such is the legacy of their work – you’d swear it was another Russell Crowe film. And perhaps just as beautiful as the mind of John Nash is the proximity to the foundations where genius of this nature may be instilled within your children. Properties within The Wilds boasts excellent travelling distance to some of the country’s finest and most innovative institutes of education to date, their spin on the current curriculum ensuring that every child receives the skills necessary to survive in an ever evolving, and ever more technologically dependant world (thoughts of space stations return). more

Schools at Boardwalk Manor


The schools of Pretoria’s eastern suburbs are perhaps some of the best in the country, well known for their high standards, tailored curriculums and exclusivity in the choice of their students. Yet do not feel as though these stringent processes hold a dark interior, for the opposite could not be more true. Take Waterkloof House Preparatory School for example. This gentleman’s academy may, from the name, seem as a nose-up-in-the-air kind of place, yet the reality is that is simply one, very large, very happy extended family. Young boys become young men over the seven years that they will spend at an educational institute that values of both formal and informal teachings, the former taking the form of theoretical and practical lessons within the classroom, the latter being the knowledge that is gained from a comprehensive and versatile sports program, the many field trips and even camping trips that are taken by the various grades, and perhaps the last not of formal nor informal consequence, but rather taking on a higher meaning – the spiritual growth that is experienced by students through the strong Christian faith that is seen within the walls of this fine academy. more

Security at Newmark


Newmark sees security achieved through a vast and varied number ways. Foremost are the most prominent feature of said ways – the walls that surround the estate. Perfectly impenetrable through any kind of brute force, subtlety in circumventing this particular feature would also meet its end, given that at the summit of the great climb to the top, an intruder would find high voltage electrified fencing, running the length of the perimeter without a fault in its lines. In moving into the enclosure itself, motion sensors are to be found about the grounds, meaning that any movement, no matter how slight, will be picked up and relayed to the guards on duty. CCTV cameras placed strategically within the enclosure means that not a blind spot exists, as everything is monitored from the on-sight guard station, and any suspicious activity is radioed to the roving patrols within the estate – the coordinated attack so silent that you would stunned that it ever took place. more

Security at The Meadows


The no-nonsense attitude is the kind of characteristic that no doubt all of us like and appreciate within those whose job details the protection of others (in this case, the residents living within the enclosure). The job comes first, the ends justify the means and all is done to ensure that the mission is a success. Whether saving the world or keeping safe those whom they had sworn to protect, the work ethic is spectacular. Guards within The Meadows Estate do any and everything in their power to make sure that all is well within the enclosure. The well trained crew is rotated regularly, ensuring that fatigue never falters judgment. Armed response units roam within the walls of the estate meaning that, should an alarm be raised, help is literally around the corner, and so well-coordinated that you’d swear you were living a scene from Zero Dark Thirty. more

Amenities at Silver Lakes


Menlyn Shopping Centre – or as we probably all knew it as children, the “Circus Tent” (ah, youth). Perhaps aptly conceived though, for I have nothing but fond memories attached to the place. For starters, it’s so well situated, arterials vehicle route on either side, that it would take an effort to not get there as quickly as possible, this description not yet paying homage to the 4 different entrances that allow for great ease of access to the hundreds of stores that await. Indeed I have many friends within the properties of Silver Woods Estate that look for any excuse to hang out at the most, in their words, “hip and happening mall” in all of the Pretoria…it’s actually getting a bit annoying, I should probably cut them loose…you know, after we hang out at Menlyn Retail. more

Amenities at Willow Acres


As for picking up the kids from schools? Why bother (now I’m not saying you should abandon your children at the gates of their educational establishments, leaving them to fend for themselves in making the arduous journey home – unless they carry the ring of power, and “home” is colloquial synonym for Mordor, then you should probably let them be on their way)? With academies such as Hatfield Christian School and Doxa Deo so close at hand, that mountain bike your son was asking for may begin serve a purpose other than giving you anxiety attacks every time you see him mount it, the former a pre-primary to matric establishment, allowing for an uninterrupted movement from one grade to the next and ensuring a constantly maintained standard of work (the highest standard, by the way), the latter a work of art in cultivating the finest and brightest young minds born of the individuality that the school promotes in all of its students. more

Security at Woodlands


Safety – It’s a word we throw around these days without any real thought as to what it actually captures in how we feel. For instance, when I hear the word “safety”, I immediately think of my mother yelling at me to get off the roof – I mean come on, I was 6 years old, what was so dangerous about being the roof (apparently everything)? Or looking both ways when I cross the street. more

Amenities at Woodhill


Fortunately that’s not an issue anymore, you think to yourself as you sip your coffee its aroma freeing you from the grasp of slumber. Woodlands Boulevard, its stimulating grounds attainable within minutes, has everything you need and then some. In fact it has actually become a pleasure to frequent the lifestyle centres that abound the area, smiling at the thought that something so mundane as “shopping” could’ve been made so enjoyable by the architects and engineers that saw the construction of modern market places with such attention to detail. more

Amenities at Boardwalk Manor


With the taste of great food and gorgeous entertainment, fire breathers doing all but setting themselves alight in astounding their audience, colourful martinis in an unrelenting flow and a dance floor packed to capacity, everyone on it dressed to the nines. This, no doubt, was Cubana, another of Pretoria’s magnificent hangouts, the music speaking of foreign shores, where golden bodies glisten upon white, white sands, and endless nights of romance and laughter – both these traits most definitely found amongst the mahogany finish and marble counters in this stunning example of nightlife at its finest, the pulsing synths of electro-Caribbean music and the darkness that enshrouds us allows us to forget who we are as the bass of the speakers envelops us, takes us by the hand and leads us away into the bliss of music that feeds the soul and nourishes the mind. more

Security at Willow Acres


With designated recreational areas for both children and adults, Willow Acres promotes a safety factor so high you could encourage your toddlers to blindfold themselves and walk around at midnight without fear for their wellbeing (but, you know…don’t). As for those of us who’ve breached the quarter century mark (let us call ourselves the “wise ones”), perhaps the biggest danger is taking a tennis ball to the face as we struggle to live up to the hype of Serena and Sharapova (grunting aside. Or included, whatever tickles your fancy) in the stunningly maintained private clay courts that stand central to the estate’s claim to fame. As part of said claim is the clubhouse, available for use by all home owners, a communal braai area and – this is perhaps what impressed me the most – a private conference facility. Besides the fact that there exists - I’m going to say it again - a private conference facility, the mind-set that this promotes is one of professional growth, no better indicator how invested Willow Acres is in your success. You just can’t buy that kind loyalty anymore. more

Amenities at Silver Woods


The landscape within which residents find themselves in surely reminiscent of the fjords of Norway, such is its splendour and magnificence. The way in which sunbeams penetrates the vast growth of foliage is utterly magical and the translucent green of the leaves tinges the area with a beauty in light that has simply not been found within a residential enclosure before. Why on earth Mr. Mcconaughey ever left Earth in the first place is beyond me (not really, but I wouldn’t ruin the story any further), a simple trans-Atlantic voyage would’ve done the trick just as well as any inter-galactic adventure, Silver Woods surely preferable to the destruction that awaits upon distant worlds in the form of – ah there I go again, “spoilers”. I’ll stop, now, I promise. more

Security at Woodhill Estate


Storm Troopers – for those of us who revel in the works of George Lucas – is perhaps the best way to describe the manner in which security personnel carry themselves at Woodhill Residential Estate and Country Club. Calm, collected, moving with perfect precision and in complete harmony with one another, to ensure reconnaissance of every space before moving forward in their task to serve and protect. more

Security at Olympus Estate


The residential enclosure, much like the palace in the heavens, sees only the strictest regulations in terms of security, as acceptable with regards to the domain they are to protect. In place of gates of lightning and hurricanes, we see the instalment of barriers equal in their effectiveness in keeping out intruders – of iron and steel, strengthened fences with eyes, both human and machine, watching one’s every move in lending to the excellent security provided to all properties within Olympus Residential Estate, Said mechanical eyes being as a result of the installation of high-resolution, infra-red cameras that cover every angle and aspect of all portals of entry, whilst a human element in the form of highly trained security guards (these ain’t no mall rent-a-cop people) survey their surroundings with an intuition, a “sixth sense” if you will, born of years of training and on-the-job experience. In short, no one’s getting in or out without them knowing about it, as the aforementioned access regulations are enforced through key-card entry and the attaining of all personal details of visitors to the estate. more

The Meadows Estate Amenities


The estate, though certainly grand, does not, and perhaps, cannot stand alone in claiming credit for the lifestyle it offers. It must be understood that modern living is a product of several factors, said factors influencing our emotions and ease of being, both consciously and unconsciously. For example, one does not notice the 40 minute commute to one’s place of work, or the traffic that is to be endured within the dropping of the kids at school, the struggle of finding time to visit a shopping centre to refuel on life’s necessities or the longing for a moment to one’s self, to enjoy doing, very simply put, what one enjoys doing - all of this goes unnoticed, until our needs in the aforementioned categories are splendidly met. And met they certainly have been, in the attainment of property in The Meadows Estate. more

Security at Boardwalk Manor


Boardwalk manor, in no uncertain terms, is perhaps one of the safest havens one could hope to call home. Properties in the estate, in conjunction with having enclosure wide security, have their own, personalised alarm system, all synced with rapid armed response units ready to fight tooth and nail for your protection. more

Amenities at Olympus


An estate is not made solely by its architectural genius, nor wide streets, nor the trees that line them, their cover reminiscent of the sheltering arms of a higher power. An estate is made by the relationship between its residents, their homes within, and the surrounding conveniences that add to the quality of their lives. For how happy would one be if one of necessity drove hours merely to conduct one’s business? How safe would one feel if, after an accident, it required a lengthy trip to reach adequate medical care? Would you prefer that schools be a five, or fifty minute drive away? With Zeus-like vigour, Olympus Country Estate rose to obliterate these challenges through excellent proximity to a multiplicity of top quality shopping centres, schools, private hospitals and more. It is doubtful that you will ever need to travel more than 15 minutes from the entrance gate to achieve what is desired (okay fine, lets factor in traffic and say 16 minutes). more

Security at Silver Stream Estate


Silver Stream Estate (yes, more silver, and no, we’re not sorry) is no exception to the aforementioned rise in quality of life. The estate leaves no doubt in its ability to awe and inspire those who lay eyes on it for the first time, as architectural brilliance remains the standard of building regulations espoused by the Home Owners Association within Silver Stream. From the exterior, polished walls bear resemblance to those of Jericho (minus the Ark of the Covenant of course – these walls aren’t going anywhere), and stand as the first of many safeguards between the people of the stream, and those ill-doers who would see the fortification breached. Perhaps another difference between the biblical metaphor and the present day reality is the modern adornments that sit atop the barriers – the latest in security closed-circuit television monitors and high voltage electrical fencing merely hint at the dangers and demons that await would be intruders in the (highly) unlikely event that managed to breach the estate’ primary deterrents to crime and criminals more

Schools Near Woodlands


I myself am not a parent, but I certainly understand the difficulty behind choosing an academic setting into which to place a growing mind – one that certainly would have one of the most influential and profound impacts on said minds beliefs, mantras, philosophies and actions. In an attempt to assist with the process of selection, I've done a little research (slightly untrue, I did a lot of research). Found below are some of those schools I feel would give any child a springboard start, head and shoulders above the rest, in creating a life worth living. more

Newmark Estate Amenities


The area is astounding. And that’s my least thought provoking adjective. Pretoria east, for those who know not of its intense beauty, is perhaps one of the leafiest, most eye-pleasing suburbs in the country (no, that isn't an exaggeration). In winter, it is awash with brilliant silver light, and the cold is kept at bay with crackling fires, the troubles of life momentarily forgotten as the land seems to hibernate, the dead silence broken only by the fall of leaves to the ground (and, yes, I suppose the crackling of said fires). Summer arrives as the skies grow dark and the air is charged with electricity, rain pours to the earth and is greeted with the lush growth of indigenous flora. It is in this untamed part of the province that the founders of Newmark Estate set out to develop the most elegant Residential enclosure conceivable. And achieve it they certainly did. more

Six Fountains, many, many lakes


I’m not one of those people who takes issue with admitting mistakes – and it would seem that I’ve made one. You see, I may have indirectly inferred, through lack of clarity, that there is only one lake in the area. The truth – waterways within the estate resemble a small wetland. This has bigger implications that one might think, as the environmentally savvy in the audience might gather. more

Woodhill Schools


A brief interlude - you may be thinking “Certainly all is well with regards to the schools themselves, but do I really feel like going through the very extensive hassle of shopping for a new house? Paperwork aside, we fully understand your apprehension. And, as usual, we have a solution – is perhaps the only site today that fully appreciates the magnitude of the purchasing of properties. Visitors are dealt with as people, as opposed to numbers, which means that instead of the usual bid and buy approach used by many real estate websites, a dedicated team of humans awaits your call, ready to answer any questions or queries you may have. MyRoof understand the needs of you as an individual, and strives to meet them. more

Silver Woods Estate Security


In the past, I’ve used big, expensive words, visual metaphors and mental paintings worthy of Picasso, in order to entice a sense of want with regards to the areas I’ve written about. Today is different. Today I feel no need to enthral you with descriptions of lavish and grand settings. Today I do not wish to appeal to the homeowner, the parent, the economist in you. Today I speak to the human. more

Golf at Silver Lakes


Anyone that has ever played golf will tell you that it is whole-fully indescribable. One cannot put into words the feeling derived from the perfect stroke, the perfect ball, the onto-the-green, hole-in-one shot. more

Security at The Wilds Estate


The Wilds – You really don't need to read more, the name should tell you everything you need to know and then some about the lifestyle you should expect to find here...Okay? Okay, great read, ciao! more

Silver Lakes Schools


Education – quite possibly the most fundamental building block of modern day society, indeed civilisation. Archimedes and Einstein, Nicherin and Newton, all of our greatest achievements to date stem from humankinds inherent curiosity of the world we live in. From the Late Stone Age to the Early Iron Age, from the kilns of the Medieval to the factories of the Industrial Revolution, from the skyscrapers of our mega cities to the minds that continue to question within them – engineers, architects, anthropologists, philosophers, Jobs and Gates – all of us have an unquenchable thirst to know, to learn, to better understand so we may better construct our environment through concepts both physical and abstract. more

Woodhill Golf Course


I don’t play golf. I think I’ve swung a golf club once in my life, and took out more grass than anything else (the ball did move a few feet, so it wasn’t all in vain). However, there is something about the game that is...indescribably peaceful. Being amongst many, yet finding mental solitude within ourselves. Watching, listening to all of our stressor’s melt seamlessly into the background. It’s something that we all need – a moment of utter tranquillity, to gather ourselves as we prepare to take the plunge back into the raging waters of everyday life. more

Five Reasons to Live in a Security Estate


Security estates in Pretoria East offer plenty of reasons to be in the running for your new home. Some of these reasons are blatantly obvious and others are not. If you are in the market for a security estate property in Pretoria east, here are five reasons to live in a security estate. more

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