Try not to borrow against your bond. Interest rates are stable for the interim, try to plan for and adjust your lifestyle to make provision for when bond rates increase. more
Your offer has been accepted in principle, filled out by you and is on its way to the bank. Before your bond can be granted one important step has to be concluded – the valuation of the property. more
Property value is governed by a few fixed factors. Here are some of the factors which influence the value of your property investment. more
You decided to purchase a second property as an investment, and the cash to purchase the property is readily available. more
Generally, most people’s biggest long-term debt will be their home loan. And while property prices may fluctuate randomly, you do have control over which home loan you choose to finance the purchase of your house. It is imperative that you select the loan with the options and benefits that suit your needs and your pocket the best. moreStruggling to decide whether to buy or rent? Here are five good reasons why buying repossessed property on auction is better than renting: more
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) made the decision that the repo rate should remain unchanged at 5.5%. The SARB has kept the rates unchanged for 16 months, and it is the lowest in 30 years. This decision leaves the Rand less volatile. more
In the current South African property market there are arguments to buy property, but also to rent property. Find out what differences there are... more