
The Johannesburg CBD and Central Johannesburg was somewhat iconic due to the gold deposits that founded this majestic city. Needless to say Johannesburg Central, CBD has reinvented itself many times over and always came up trumps.

Is this reinvention or gentrification? From the Great Depression in the 1930’s that crippled the country and Johannesburg, yet Johannesburg survived and is today a testimony to reinvention and resilience. Gentrification is nothing new to most inner-city residential properties so it would make perfect sense that the Johannesburg Central CBD follow suit.

The property usage of Johannesburg Central is mainly apartments with a few freestanding homes too. As a market comparison the apartments in Johannesburg Central are no more or less expansive that any other middle-class suburb in South Africa.

This do not in any way mean there is nothing prestigious to be had in Johannesburg Central, quite the opposite, some of the developers apartment buildings have gone to great lengths to present the buying public with prestige.

Then there are some green apartment buildings which are “off-the-grid” as yet another form of reinvention and drawing more interest in the market.

Maboneng precinct is one such highly successful development which is a display of success and demand.

Landmark apartment buildings in Smal Street for example sell for highly competitive rates and with this trend on the rise Johannesburg Central CBD will rise to its former glory.

There are so many benefits to living in the Johannesburg Central CBD in today’s economic climate such as the reliable public transport systems in Johannesburg, the close proximity to all the major financial institutions offering employment to the hungry, the close proximity two of Jo’burg’s major universities and for those who enjoy history there are a plethora of cultural and historical treasure troves to explore in the Johannesburg Central CBD alone.

The financial gains on offer for owning an apartment or home in the Johannesburg Central CBD is something to consider when seeking the new property closer to the office.

Take a tour of the properties in Johannesburg Central CBD via the Myroof web-site.

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