
Clanwilliam is a quaint village situated in the Olifants River Valley of the Western Cape. The Cederberg Mountains and almost shepherded in by the Olifants and Jan Dissel Rivers, lending to a backdrop which will inspire any person into painting and arts. These mountains are considered by many to be the most beautiful in South Africa.

Clanwilliam, being located in the Cederberg region is a framing community with citrus fruit being the primary source of sustaining the town along with vineyards and wine farms, making tourism a secondary source of income and tourist attraction.

Due to the various settlers that once inhabited the region there is a European mixture of architecture which is still evident in preserved building which date back to these periods which are Cape Dutch style, British Colonial style and Victorian style.

Many of the buildings on the wine estates have been preserved and serve as tourist attractions and headquarters for the wine estates, including Cederberg Wine Cellar, Olifants River Wine Estate and Driehoek Cellar.

The town is the headquarters for Rooibos Tea which has its origin in Clanwilliam. The region has been proclaimed a World Heritage site and there is huge effort in restoring and then preserving the cedars in the region which has a natural forest which to date has been the target of indiscriminate tree felling. The region is also home to indigenous flowers which attract tourists annually to the natural flower festival.

Tourist attractions in the town and region are Clanwilliam Wild Flower Festival (in season), freshwater fishing in one of the various rivers and streams, which produces clean fresh fish, Ramskop Nature Reserve, Piekenierskloof Pass and Pakhuis Conservancy.

Take a tour of Clanwilliam and the homes on offer in the region via the MyRoof website.

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