When buying a repossessed property on auction, you will uncover a great deal that will suit your needs as well as your budget. But how do you go about buying on auction? Here are some handy tips. ...read more
When you buy a repossessed property on auction, there are also some post-sale expenses that you will need to take into consideration. Here are a few of them: ...read more
While buying a repossessed property on auction, you might tend to wonder why you need to own a property instead of renting one. Everybody needs to be a homeowner at some point or another. There are many advantages when you own a home instead of renting from another homeowner. ...read more
Believe it or not, but in a recent survey taken by the UK’s “Daily Telegraph”, South Africa was rated as the sixth location where it is safe to invest in property. Keeping in mind that the South African property market is sought after by foreigners, this makes the idea to buy a repossessed property so much more appealing. ...read more
Looking to invest your money in a long-term investment? There is no better time than right now to invest in repossessed property. The worst part of the recession seems to be behind us and the property sector is busy recovering. 2012 looks very promising in terms of property investment, and here are the reasons why: ...read more
We all know that when you buy a repossessed property on auction, you pay less than the market value of the property. ABSA issued its newest residential report, indicating the price difference between newly built properties and existing properties. ...read more
The New Year has arrived, and you have set some goals for yourself. One of these goals is to buy yourself a place you can call home. You are somewhat skeptical, thinking that it is more expensive to own your own place than to rent from someone else. This is not necessarily the case, since buying a repossessed property is even more affordable. ...read more
Useful Terms and Terminology Explained ...read more
When money on a home loan has not been repaid, the bank will get a court order to sell the relevant property. This will only be done by the bank when there i…
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There are obviously certain things you will need (to get in order) if you are interested in selling bank repossessed properties. Bank repossessed properties …
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