Try not to borrow against your bond. Interest rates are stable for the interim, try to plan for and adjust your lifestyle to make provision for when bond rates increase. more
Gold used to be Benoni's legacy. Although gold reserves in most of the East Rand are depleted, there is still a large industrial powerhouse within, making up part of Gauteng's GDP strength. more
Even though there was growth within the property market, it has relatively slowed down and this factor has contributed the affordability of property across the income spectrum. more
The population as mixed in culture as is the land use. The footprint of Alberton is not by any means small with a staggering 77.16 km2. more
Edenvale is on the East Rand and better situated than many East Rand suburbs with respect to highways and other destinations. more
Amanzimtoti was named by King Shaka, and the name means “The Water Is Sweet”. more
Up on the slopes of Signal Hill and Lion’s Head, Tamboerskloof is a sought after neighbourhood. more