Wondering what has been the drive for the property market lately? The answer is simple – lower priced homes, which is easily accessible when buying a repossessed property on auction. Auctions are done online by MyRoof, in your own time, and in the comfort of your own home.
It is also easier to acquire a house nowadays due to the low interest rate. Reportedly, first-time buyers are actively involved in buying houses under R600 000.
There are also the second- or third-time buyers, who are downscaling and buying smaller homes. This is done because it is much cheaper to buy and uphold. Many home owners have the desire to decrease their debt load, thus buying smaller homes.
Smaller and more affordable homes are popular amongst first-time buyers as well as people who want to downscale. There are many repossessed properties going on auction, big and small, that can be viewed at
So, whether big or small, expensive or less-expensive, your individual needs will be adhered to. Wouldn’t you like to have the status as a home owner?