Standard Bank Disclaimer
This list is produced by the Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd ("the Bank") for information purposes
only. All properties are sold "voetstoots" (meaning as is), and prospective purchasers' are advised
that the Bank does not guarantee vacant occupation of the properties being sold, and purchasers will
have to obtain vacant occupation at their own cost. You are advised to consult the relevant Deeds
Registry Office for accurate information pertaining to a particular property, such as size,
endorsements, servitudes etc. By making an offer on any property advertised on, online, or
using any other medium you warrant that you understand that making an offer is not a binding process
and Standard Bank, in its sole and unbiased discretion, and for whatever reason retains the right to
accept or reject any offer at any time for whatever reason and is not obliged to accept the highest
offer. All users of the information on this website do so at their own risk. Neither the Bank nor will be liable for any losses of whatsoever nature incurred, as a direct or indirect
result of the use of the information on this list.