Azaleapark , Boschdal , Boshoek , Cashan , Doornlaagte , Freedom Park , Geelhoutpark , Kraalhoek , Monnakato , Protea Park (North West) , Protea Park Remove , Rustenburg , Rustenburg North , Rustenburg Oos-Einde , Safarituine , Seraleng , Waterkloof (Rustenburg) , Waterval East , Zandfontein , Zinniaville
This complex is finally available to everyone. Existing mining houses up for sale at a very reasonable price. 80sqm of an open plan, a bathroom and a carport with some space in the yard for kids to play around. Set in a complex designed to cater for security, easy access to roads and many other amenities, amongst other the newly built state of the art Waterkloof Hills School. The place is commonly known as Nkandla and Paris. Make an appointment to view the available and newly renovated houses.