Arena Park , Bay View , Bayview , Bellair - DBN , Bonela , Burlington Heights , Cato Manor , Chatsworth - KZN , Chesterville , Coedmore , Croftdene , Crossmoor , Dawncliffe , Demat , Escombe , Glen Park , Havenside , Hillary , Kharwastan , Malvern - DBN , Mariann Heights , Mariann Industrial Park , Mariann Ridge , Mariannhill , Mariannhill Park , Mayville (KZN) , Memorial Park , Montclair (Dbn) , Montford , Moorton , Moseley , Moseley Park , Mount Vernon , Nazareth , Nirvana Hills , Northdene , Paradise Valley , Queensburgh , Queensmead Industrial , Ridgeview , Risecliff , Savanna Park , Sea View , Shallcross , Silverglen , Southcliff , St Wendolins Ridge , Umhlatuzana , Umkumbaan , Welbedacht , Westcliff - DBN , Wiggins , Woodhaven , Woodhurst , Yellowwood Park
This is a 4 bedroom home near the Pick n Pay in Caversham. This house has 2 spacious lounges and a dining room. All 4 bedrooms are spacious and have built in cupboards. There is a modern family bathroom + 2 x shower en-suite. The kitchen is fully fitted with granite tops. There is a double garage separate from the house which can be converted to a living space if keen. Please call the listing agent for an appointment to view.