Dawncliffe , Escombe , Hillary , Malvern - DBN , Memorial Park , Mount Vernon , Queensburgh
Arena Park , Bay View , Bayview , Bellair - DBN , Bonela , Burlington Heights , Cato Manor , Caversham Glen , Chatsworth - KZN , Chesterville , Coedmore , Croftdene , Crossmoor , Demat , Glen Park , Havenside , Kharwastan , Mariann Heights , Mariann Industrial Park , Mariann Ridge , Mariannhill , Mariannhill Park , Mayville (KZN) , Montclair (Dbn) , Montford , Moorton , Moseley , Moseley Park , Nazareth , Nirvana Hills , Northdene , Paradise Valley , Queensmead Industrial , Ridgeview , Risecliff , Savanna Park , Sea View , Shallcross , Silverglen , Southcliff , St Wendolins Ridge , Umhlatuzana , Umkumbaan , Welbedacht , Westcliff - DBN , Wiggins , Woodhaven , Woodhurst , Yellowwood Park
This home in the heart of Malvern - is a gem amongst the [hidden] is slightly below road level, offers drive-in access, single garage and a 3 vehicle [hidden] into a welcoming entrance, Large Sunken Lounge, TV Room - semi open plan kitchen and dining room. 3 good size bedrooms, family bathroom and MES in Main [hidden] size level garden in the back with a large swimming pool, including an entertainment room to enjoy the outside area. Close to all levels of school, Main shopping centres and medical centre. Transport is on your door step from Taxi's, trains and busses. Good value for money this [hidden] speak to me to [hidden]