Austinville , Bardale Village , Bayview - CT , Beacon Valley , Beverly Park , Bishop Lavis , Blackheath , Blue Downs , Bongweni , Bonteheuwel , Bridgetown , Cafda Village , Charlesville , Colorado , Coniston Park , Cross Roads , De Wijnlanden , Delft , Delft South , Dennemere , Devon Park , Diepwater , Diskom - Sherwood Park , Eerste River , Eindhoven , Ekuphumleni , Electric City , Fairdale , Fairways , Forest Heights , Forest Village , Gaylee , Grassy Park , Greenfield , Griffiths Mxenge , Guguletu , Hagley , Hagley , Hanover Park , Harare , Heather Park, Cape Town , Heideveld , High Places , Highbury , Highgate , Hill View , Hillcrest Heights , Hindle Park , Ikwezi Park , Ilitha Park , Kalksteenfontein , Khayelitsha , Kleinvlei , Klipfontein Village , Langa , Lavender Hill , Lentegeur , Lotus River , Lyndoch , Malibu Village , Mandalay , Mandelapark , Matroosfontein , Mfuleni , Mitchells Plain , Montana , Montevideo , Morgenster - Beacon Valley , New Eastridge , Newfields , Nooitgedacht , Nyanga , Ottery , Pelikan Park , Perm Gardens , Philipi , Portland , Retreat , Rocklands , Roosendal , Rosedale , Russel`s Rest , Ruyterwacht , Schaapkraal , Seawinds , Sheraton Park , Sillwood Heights , Steenberg , Strandfontein , Stratford Green , Sunbird Park , Tafelsig , Tembani , The Conifers , Turf Hall Estate , Tuscany Glen , Vanguard , Victoria Merge , Village 1 South , Vogelvlei , Voorbrug , Washington Square , Weltevreden Valley , Wesbank , Westridge CP , Wetton , Yorkshire Estate , Zeekoei Vlei
A spacious 3 bedroom house with a garage is available to rent in Gugulethu. This property has a lot to offer with a big stand for children to play or if you like entertaining. The house is tiled throughout with the main bedroom boasting an en-suite bathroom. All bedrooms have built in cupboards and the kitchen is fully fitted.
The property is close to schools and provides easy access to the N2 and Airport City.
Electricity is prepaid
Rent excludes water, refuse and sewer
Availability: 2025-04-01