East London - MR666681

Farm/Smallholding in East London, East London, Eastern Cape

R 7,500,000

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East London - MR666681
Farm/Smallholding in East London, East London, Eastern Cape
R 7,500,000
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London
 of property in East London

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Farm/Smallholding
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 329ha
  • Price per square erf meter - R2 per m2
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=666681 DID=690744 SID=1

    Situated on the Urban edge in a hub of other farms, only 17km from the East London Airport, this property offers limitless opportunities. There are 6 Dams on the property which are all full, 2 boreholes, 4 reservoirs and 2 water tanks. Pumps are included. A main Eskom line runs through the farm and supply 3 phase [hidden] is a large Workshop/Shed - approximately 700m2, suitable for large farm implements and for loading, as well as numerous out buildings and dipping facilities for cattle. There is a large 4 bedroom house with a newly renovated Kitchen, 2 bathrooms and an entertainment area with a swimming pool. Grass is a mixture between sweet and sour veld. The current farm manager is in the process of planting teff on the farm. The land is ideal for 150 head of cattle, teff and planting Vegetables. This definitely an investment worth looking [hidden] us today to arrange an exclusive viewing.

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