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X3 bedrooms Townhouse for sale in Magalieskruin in Pretoria
Open plan kitchen fitted with cupboards for all your storage , X2 bathrooms , Main bedrooms with en-suite with shower and toilet
Full bathroom with Bath tub with basin and toilet , Open big Lounge with a patio for your dinning tables and chairs
X2 Lock up garages and additional open parking available for your visitors ,All bedrooms are fitted with cupboards
24 hours security guards at the gate , Walls all round with security gate , Close to Kolonade shopping mall, Schools , Private hospital
in the area , Easy access to public transport and municipal buses in front of the gate ,Contact me today to make your viewing appointment
Christiaanville AH , Magalieskruin , Mondustria , Montana , Montana Park , Montana Tuine , Wonderboom
Annlin , Annlin West , Bon Accord , Cynthia Vale AH , Doornpoort , Onderstepoort , Onderstepoort AH
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X3 bedrooms Townhouse for sale in Magalieskruin in Pretoria
Open plan kitchen fitted with cupboards for all your storage , X2 bathrooms , Main bedrooms with en-suite with shower and toilet
Full bathroom with Bath tub with basin and toilet , Open big Lounge with a patio for your dinning tables and chairs
X2 Lock up garages and additional open parking available for your visitors ,All bedrooms are fitted with cupboards
24 hours security guards at the gate , Walls all round with security gate , Close to Kolonade shopping mall, Schools , Private hospital
in the area , Easy access to public transport and municipal buses in front of the gate ,Contact me today to make your viewing appointment