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Farm/Smallholding in Richmond KZN - MR663499

R 15,000,000
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Richmond KZN - MR663499
Farm/Smallholding in Richmond KZN, KZN - Midlands and Mainland, Kwa-Zulu Natal
R 15,000,000

Property Overview

41 ha Farm in Richmond PLENTY WATER, possibilities Eco Estate, Retirement village, game/ nature reserve among others

15 min from Richmond, How convenient is that?!.House has 3 large bedrooms with BICs. Tiled MES bathroom with jacuzzi for two, his and hers basins, shower, toilet, Family bathroom and guest loo. Tiled modern airconditioned kitchen, with fitted cupboards, ELO, UCO, island with extractor hood and HOB. ,Tiled double size lounge, Lapa, enclosed thatched pub with lovely views overlooking the dam, Boardroom/conference room, Large study, Large garage for 6 cars, plenty [hidden] Fully fenced with razor wire and 10% normal fencing. Swimming pool and manicured garden with 4 entertainment areas. 1 Guest Cottage (350 sqm) and steel shed animal feed storage 100 sqm, animal kraals for cattle, sheep and goats. Livestock excluded. Can also be an eco estate, retirement village, game/nature reserve and plenty of space for additional cottages.
House has alarm controlled by cell phone.

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Property Key Features

  • Property Type - Farm/Smallholding
  • Seller Type - Private Property
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