... Numbers not adding up?
These Plots are situated close to the Lasev Holiday Resort in Honingnestkrans Agricultural Holdings North of Pretoria.
There are 20 of these plots to choose from.
They sell for R220,000 each and the Transfer fees is included in this price.
There is a awesome view from here looking back to Pretoria.
For this price it is a giveaway.
Call today to view
Baviaanspoort , Bergtuin , Buffelsdrift , Derdepoortpark , Kameeldrift , Kameelfontein , Leeuwfontein Estates , Pebble Rock , Pumulani AH , Pyramid , Roodeplaat , Rynoue AH , Sable Hills , Wallmannsthal A.H , Zeekoegat
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These Plots are situated close to the Lasev Holiday Resort in Honingnestkrans Agricultural Holdings North of Pretoria.
There are 20 of these plots to choose from.
They sell for R220,000 each and the Transfer fees is included in this price.
There is a awesome view from here looking back to Pretoria.
For this price it is a giveaway.
Call today to view