Thabazimbi - MR661089

Land in Thabazimbi, Limpopo, Limpopo

R 322,000 Price Reduced

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Thabazimbi - MR661089
Land in Thabazimbi, Limpopo, Limpopo
R 322,000
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi
 of property in Thabazimbi

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Key Features


  • Levy R1450 .
  • Rates and Taxes R376 .

More Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 1ha
  • Price per square erf meter - R32 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=661089 DID=685163 SID=1

If you look for Calm, peace, and tranquility, with secure access, is this place for [hidden] fantastic opportunity to own a generous piece of land in a private estate of Shona Langa Nature Estate within the Thabazimbi District just 54km from Bela-Bela. This piece of real estate offers you an opportunity to build a dream home on. With enough space for a residence, plans already drawn up and approved, as well as water pipes already connected and installed. Full Title Stand with essential services including water, electricity, and refuse [hidden] vacant stand on the border and look over the Tambotie Dam, ideally positioned to view the large variety of wildlife within the Private Nature Estate and is surrounded by breathtaking [hidden] are nearly 2,000 wild animals in the Nature estate consisting of Kudu, Elk, Bushbuck, Njala, Warthog, Giraffe, Zebra, Blue Wildebeest, and many others, as well as bird life with bird shelter- beautiful trees and Fauna in the Nature - estate. This is the ideal property for any nature [hidden] is also an airport [hidden]'t miss this rare opportunity to own a piece of paradise in Shona Langa Nature Estate. Imagine your dream home for sale on this vacant lot and make it a reality today. Contact us to arrange a viewing.

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