Azaleapark , Boschdal , Boshoek , Cashan , Doornlaagte , Freedom Park , Geelhoutpark , Kraalhoek , Monnakato , Protea Park (North West) , Protea Park Remove , Rustenburg , Rustenburg North , Rustenburg Oos-Einde , Safarituine , Seraleng , Waterkloof (Rustenburg) , Waterval East , Zandfontein , Zinniaville
Excellent location in mid town !
This charming duplex offers :
* 3 Bedrooms
* Bathroom
* Open plan lounge and kitchen with separate scullery/laundry
* Single garage
Entering at the front door you experience the well maintained interior.
The complex is very popular and residents approve of the friendly neigbourhood.