Gerhardsville - MR658878

Land in Gerhardsville, Centurion - West, Gauteng

R 2,499,000

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Gerhardsville - MR658878
Land in Gerhardsville, Centurion - West, Gauteng
R 2,499,000
Land for Sale For Sale in Gerhardsville - MR658878

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=658878 DID=682953 SID=1

    Make this your farm house in the city just 7 km from Laudium and Erasmia. 2,5 hectares land with house and plenty of small holdings on the property to earn additional income, perfect for farming livestock, agriculture warehouse or light industry borehole and fencing around land.(REF:8049)

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