R 30,964 pm for 20 years Numbers not adding up?
Dawncliffe , Escombe , Hillary , Malvern - DBN , Memorial Park , Mount Vernon , Queensburgh
Arena Park , Bay View , Bayview , Bellair - DBN , Bonela , Burlington Heights , Cato Manor , Caversham Glen , Chatsworth - KZN , Chesterville , Coedmore , Croftdene , Crossmoor , Demat , Glen Park , Havenside , Kharwastan , Mariann Heights , Mariann Industrial Park , Mariann Ridge , Mariannhill , Mariannhill Park , Mayville (KZN) , Montclair (Dbn) , Montford , Moorton , Moseley , Moseley Park , Nazareth , Nirvana Hills , Northdene , Paradise Valley , Queensmead Industrial , Ridgeview , Risecliff , Savanna Park , Sea View , Shallcross , Silverglen , Southcliff , St Wendolins Ridge , Umhlatuzana , Umkumbaan , Welbedacht , Westcliff - DBN , Wiggins , Woodhaven , Woodhurst , Yellowwood Park
Comfort, class & tranquility are some of the many features 26 Queen Elizabeth Drive has. Double storey home offering spectacular views from this above road level home. Recently refurbished with quality finishes and tasteful decor throughout. 3 refurbished bathrooms and 2 [hidden] modern gourmet kitchen is open plan. The home has a fifth bedroom or guest suite off the [hidden] stone's throw from Cygnet School and walking distance into central schools. High beams and well-maintained home allows you to move in and enjoy the many features of this proud [hidden] gem is worth viewing.