Shelley Point - MR648703

Land in Shelley Point, WCape - Larger, Western Cape

R 6,300,000

R 63,959 pm for 20 years Numbers not adding up?

Shelley Point - MR648703
Land in Shelley Point, WCape - Larger, Western Cape
R 6,300,000
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point
 of property in Shelley Point

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 551m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R11,434 per m2
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=648703 DID=672819 SID=1

    Exclusively offered by Harcourts West Coast!!Beach Front plots in St Helena Bay in general is becoming a scarce commodity. Having one in Shelley Point is like striking gold. The beach of white sand surrounds you, hot and soft underneath your feet making you feel so at home. The bluest sky all around, sometimes with so many different kinds of clouds that can just go on forever over the seaâ??s horizon. The sweet breeze and the smell of salt in the air make the day smell new and fresh. The wind blowing as if it is telling a secret that has been kept for years. Blue waves crashing against the beach making the sand crumble between your toes to help forget about all the worries and the woes. If you want to be the author of your most passionate dreams at the edge of the beach, then this plot is for you.

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