Azaleapark , Boschdal , Boshoek , Cashan , Doornlaagte , Freedom Park , Geelhoutpark , Kraalhoek , Monnakato , Protea Park (North West) , Protea Park Remove , Rustenburg , Rustenburg North , Rustenburg Oos-Einde , Safarituine , Seraleng , Waterkloof (Rustenburg) , Waterval East , Zandfontein , Zinniaville
Located on the outskirts of the CBD, this office space offers easy and convenient access and visibility for customers, especially those using local transport. The interior features neutral white paint, matching floor tiles, and modern fluorescent lights, creating a professional and welcoming environment. Security is a top priority, with a comprehensive camera system in place. This space is ideal for office-based businesses and medical suites. The entire building has been recently renovated, making it a standout choice compared to other properties in the area.