R 6,081 pm for 20 years Numbers not adding up?
Azaleapark , Boschdal , Boshoek , Cashan , Doornlaagte , Freedom Park , Geelhoutpark , Kraalhoek , Monnakato , Protea Park (North West) , Protea Park Remove , Rustenburg , Rustenburg North , Rustenburg Oos-Einde , Safarituine , Seraleng , Waterkloof (Rustenburg) , Waterval East , Zandfontein , Zinniaville
Beautiful well designed salon in the market, exceptionally neat and modern.
Equipment included :
* 7 Hair dresser stations
* 2 Make-up stations
* 2 Barber stations
* 3 Beauty treatment beds
* 3 Nail technician stations
All stock also included !