Isipingo Rail - MR611390

Land in Isipingo Rail, Durban - South Coast, Kwa-Zulu Natal

R 3,490,000

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Isipingo Rail - MR611390
Land in Isipingo Rail, Durban - South Coast, Kwa-Zulu Natal
R 3,490,000
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail
 of property in Isipingo Rail

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Key Features


  • Rates and Taxes R6100 .

More Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Floor Area - 512m2
  • Erf Size - 1026m2
  • Price per square floor meter - R6,816 per m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R3,402 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=611390 DID=635640 SID=1

This property was originally a factory space with a retail section at the front, facing the street. This downstairs section is 512 sq m with a floor to ceiling height of approximately six meters, with columns on a regular grid. This ground floor area has been converted into 7 residential spaces of 3 rooms each, fetching R29 600 in rental income. Each unit has prepaid [hidden] the first floor, the owner has built 4 x 3 room flats, each fetching R3900 / month for a total of R 15 400. They cover half the roof area and the owner planned to build another 4 units of the same layout - with the potential of another R15 400 rental [hidden] total current rental is R45 000. Rates are R6 100. Each unit has it's own prepaid [hidden] a commercial option, the ground floor could easily be converted back to a factory space of 500 sq m, leaving the top floor as residential to generate a monthly [hidden] location on Gokul Road is close to the centre of the commercial strip along Phila Ndwandwe Road in Isipingo [hidden] to view.

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