Cullinan - MR591673
Land in Cullinan, Gauteng - Cullinan, Rayton, Bronkhorstspruit, Gauteng
R 850,000
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 of property in Cullinan

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 3232m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R263 per m2
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=591673 DID=615927 SID=1

    The property consists of two large empty stands with Institutional Zoning rights eg. church or school of up to 3 storeys. Extremely well situated at the heart of [hidden] erf size is 3 232sqm (2 stands)This large size and unique location make this a desirable investment opportunity for the Development Community and Private Investor in a small, quiet and pleasant town, yet only 35 kilometers away from the centre of Pretoria, and about 80 kilometers away from Johannesburg [hidden] to the Title Deed, a three-storey building, half the overall surface size of the erf, can be built. That is, the approximate overall area of the building could be three times 1 616sqm (half of 3 232sqm), or 4 848sqm (3 storey of 1 616 living area each). The remainder can potentially be used for parking, sport field or a large [hidden] property, although it is classified as Institutional for rate purposes, could accommodate "Residential" as per Title Deeds. The Title Deeds state:"The erf and the buildings erected thereon or to be erected thereon, shall be used solely for the purposes of an institution, places of public worship and places of instruction and with the consent of the local authority for social halls, the purposes of dwelling-units, residential buildings related to the main use, special uses and such other uses as the local authority may permit" (Highlight absent from the Deeds, done here to emphasize residential potential)

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