Lenasia - MR590237

House in Lenasia, Gauteng - West, Gauteng

R 1,950,000

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Lenasia - MR590237
House in Lenasia, Gauteng - West, Gauteng
R 1,950,000
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 of property in Lenasia
 of property in Lenasia

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Key Features


  • 5 Bathrooms

More Features

  • Property Type - House
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Floor Area - 230m2
  • Erf Size - 496m2
  • Price per square floor meter - R8,478 per m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R3,931 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=590237 DID=614495 SID=1

Gorgeous, Warm & Opulent Living Coupled With A Fabulous Feel.

This exciting property comprises fine interior and detailing [hidden] single-level, easy-care family residence boasts a unique lifestyle in an ideal setting and area and it is situated on a 496sqm stand. Perfect for a family looking for space and style along with assured and carefree contemporary living and ample parking.

Superior in every measure, grand proportions and the ideal address boasting 4 phenomenal bedrooms along with 5 grand [hidden] home offers a unique space for every family member, comprising a generous combination of living areas such as a formal lounge, an open-plan informal lounge that overlooks the diner and an additional living area that allows a wonder of [hidden] all white, spotless kitchen is fully fitted and has been extended to create substantial [hidden] of these spaces are created with PVC ceilings, porcelain tiling, downlighting along with designer light fittings which are all topped with good quality [hidden] you step outside, there is a drive through with carports that flow into a fitted single garage, these spaces may accommodate between 4-5 [hidden] family residence is completed with an appealing yard and garden which is low to maintain and in immaculate condition.

The perfect location allows convenience to amenities, place of Worship and main [hidden] or whatsapp now to make it yours!

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