R 2,741 pm for 20 years Numbers not adding up?
Vacant stand with a beautiful Sea View in the Heart of Woodgrange Hibberdene.A short drive to Hibberdene Blue flag Beach or Woodgrange Beach for fun in the sun with the kidsBuild your dream home with unlimited [hidden]Within close distance to Hibberdene Village shops, Petrol station, Restaurants, pubs and the recently renovated Water park at Carousel Resort.
Bazley Beach , Elysium , Hibberdene , Ifafa Beach , Mtwalumi , Pumula , Umzumbe , Wood Grange
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Vacant stand with a beautiful Sea View in the Heart of Woodgrange Hibberdene.
A short drive to Hibberdene Blue flag Beach or Woodgrange Beach for fun in the sun with the kids
Build your dream home with unlimited [hidden]
Within close distance to Hibberdene Village shops, Petrol station, Restaurants, pubs and the recently renovated Water park at Carousel Resort.