Lenasia South - MR576319

Commercial in Lenasia South, Gauteng - West, Gauteng

R 12,000,000

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Lenasia South - MR576319
Commercial in Lenasia South, Gauteng - West, Gauteng
R 12,000,000
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South
 of property in Lenasia South

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Commercial
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 4800m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R2,500 per m2
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=576319 DID=600619 SID=1

    If you're interested in buying a commercial property that will give you 10x the amount in return than you put in, then I have just the property for you!!! Located in the heart of Johannesburg South lies what I'd like to call your 'Midas Hand'!!!

    Jivan Center is a successful shopping center that has been running for many years now. It has 15+ shops, the existing ones generating plenty of revenue for the complex. Several 2 bedroom apartments are currently under construction as well as a gym which will later attract more activity to the place. There is a borehole, a JoJo tank and a backup generator on the premises. Loading and unloading zone is available and 4 other entrances/exits situated at various locations on the complex.

    This shopping center is already successful but with new strategies and business plans, this place has the potential of becoming something even greater in the future.

    For more information, contact me for an exclusive view so you don't miss out on this amazing offer.

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