Lichtenburg - MR560736

Farm/Smallholding in Lichtenburg, North West, North West

Lichtenburg - MR560736
Farm/Smallholding in Lichtenburg, North West, North West
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg
 of property in Lichtenburg

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Farm/Smallholding
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 269ha
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=560736 DID=585061 SID=1

    This farm is situated next to the Molopo Eye Private Game Reserve at Molopo Eye, 36km from Lichtenburg and 8km from Ottoshoop on the Molopo Eye road. THE FOLLOWING FIGURES GIVEN BELOW ARE ESTIMATES ONLY. The Farm has over 800m of river frontage. 269,52Ha farm with 2,2m high game fencing surrounding the farm (9,8km in length), of which 39,15Ha Pecan nut trees under combination of sprinkle dragline and drop irrigation (of which 30,92Ha trees are in production, ages range between 6-9 years). 4,7Ha of lucern fields (under dragline) and 225,7Ha of natural grazing. Over 100 Head of Bonsmara Cattle and assortment of wild buck species. The farm has 2244,5 square metres of buildings under roof consisting of a previously operated wedding venue (previously known as Bosbok Park) and has 4 separate Houses and 14 Seperate en-suite rooms available with a bar and wedding hall and a variety of farm [hidden] rooms and houses were rented as part of the Guesthouse and permanent tenants. The farm has two 100 KVA Transformers serviced directly by Eskom. The Farm has Registered Irrigation for 143,059 Metric Cube of water which has been verified and 138,162 is still to be verified by DWAF. The Farm has extensive water infrastructure that produces 72,000 gallons per hour, consisting of 3 equipped boreholes and a 500,000 litre irrigation dam near the pumps.

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