Nestled on the Mid-South coast of Kwazulu Natal, between Scottburgh and Pennington, lies the unspoilt area of [hidden] entrance to the complex is through an impressive gated entrance, which is manned by guards twenty four hours a [hidden] thick, natural vegetation provides an ideal environment for a large, and very diverse bird and animal life. The estate resounds with the calls of numerous birds, which can be heard over the sound of the breaking waves. Small buck are also frequently [hidden] closest beach to the estate is the privately owned beach, in front of the Happy Wanderers resort, approximately 500 metres from the front wall of the estate. Access to the beach is by vehicle, or a beautiful shaded path. The closest shopping complex is the mall at Scottburgh, some 9 kms from the estate.
Nestled on the Mid-South coast of Kwazulu Natal, between Scottburgh and Pennington, lies the unspoilt area of [hidden] entrance to the complex is through an impressive gated entrance, which is manned by guards twenty four hours a [hidden] thick, natural vegetation provides an ideal environment for a large, and very diverse bird and animal life. The estate resounds with the calls of numerous birds, which can be heard over the sound of the breaking waves. Small buck are also frequently [hidden] closest beach to the estate is the privately owned beach, in front of the Happy Wanderers resort, approximately 500 metres from the front wall of the estate. Access to the beach is by vehicle, or a beautiful shaded path. The closest shopping complex is the mall at Scottburgh, some 9 kms from the estate.