Freeland Park - MR555005
Land in Freeland Park, KZN Umkomaas to Pennington, Kwa-Zulu Natal
R 780,000
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park
 of property in Freeland Park

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 1274m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R612 per m2
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=555005 DID=579348 SID=1

    There are only a few plots of land left in this residential area, and very few of them have the view that this stand will offer its owners! I cannot stress how much of a treasure this plot of land is. Prime land in a small upmarket residential area is getting more scarce and this stand has some features!It is tucked away in the heart of an established residential area with a pan-handle driveway for privacy. There is an existing building on the land and it could be used as a place to live in whilst building one's new home! The sea-views from this piece of land can only be found from up on the hill of Freeland Park!Welcome to the Harcourts Scottbay website. Scottburgh is a fast growing and very popular sea-side town only a 40 minutes drive from Durban. There is a large shopping centre with movie theaters only 20 minutes away. Scottburgh has one of the most beautiful swimming beaches on the South Coast! For families, as the North Coast becomes more built-up, the South Coast is fast becoming the more affordable option to build invest in. The Primary school, Pre-Schools and the High School all have a good name! The ocean is alive with dolphins and whales! It is worth looking at the properties that we have to offer you!

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