It would seem that this property is a bit camera shy, we will try our best to get some photos. While we do our best to ensure that every property's location is correctly mapped, we cannot guarantee accuracy.
Conditions of sale at a sheriff auction:
A sale agreement is signed by the sheriff and the buyer. The buyer's responsibilities include:
Albert Falls , Amiel Park , Arbor Park , Aviary Hill , Balgowan , BARRY HERTZOG PARK , Belfort , Bergville , Bhekuzulu , Bishopstowe , Bulwer , Camperdown , Cathkin Park , Cato Ridge , Colenso , Creighton , Dalton , Dannhauser , Donnybrook , Driefontein , Dundee , Durnacol , Edendale-KZN , Engonyameni , Enhlalakahle , Estcourt , Ezakheni B , Fernwood , Geluksburg , Glencoe , Greytown , Hammarsdale , Harding , Hattingspruit , Himeville , Hutten Heights , Inchanga , Ingagane , Ixopo , Kranskop , Kwamathukuza , Ladysmith , Lennoxton , Lenville , Lidgetton West , Lions River , Lynfield park , Madadeni , Mandulane , Masons Mill , Melmoth , Merrivale , Mkuze , Mondlo A , Mooi River , Ncandu Park , Ndwedwe , New Hanover , Newcastle , Nottingham Road , Nqutu , Osizweni , Paulpietersburg , Pioneer Park (Newcastle) , Pongola , Raisethorpe , Richmond KZN , Richview , Riverside Industrial , Rosetta , Sakabula Golf & Country Estate , Schuinshoogte , Sibongile , Signal Hill (KZN) , Sithembile , Springvale Mission , Sunnyridge , Sunset View , Sweetwaters , Thornville , Tugela Estates , Ubombo , Ulundi , Umbumbulu , Umzimkulu , Underberg , Utrecht , Vryheid , Weenen , Wembezi , Winterskloof , Winterton