R 7,310 pm for 20 years Numbers not adding up?
Barkly West , Beaconsfield , Boegoeberg , Brandvlei , Britstown , Calvinia , Carnarvon , Carters Glen , Cassandra , Colesburg (Colesberg) , Copperton , Danielskuil , De Aar , Delportshoop , Diamant Park , Dibeng , Dingleton , Douglas , El Toro Park , Fraserburg , Griesenkraal , Hanover , Hartswater , Herlear , Hillcrest , Homelite , Homevale , Hondeklip Bay , Hopetown , Hotazel , Jan Kempdorp , Kakamas , Kathu , Keimoes , Kenhardt , Kestellhof , Kimberley , Kimdustria , Kleinsee , Klisser , Leerkrans , Lime Acres , Loeriesfontein , Loxton , Marydale , Minerva Gardens , Moghul Park , Monument Heights , Nababeep , New Park , Nieuwoudtville , Noupoort , Olifantshoek , Owendale , Paballelo , Pampierstad , Petrusville , Philipstown , Pofadder , Port Nolloth , Postmasburg , Prieska , Richmond - NC , Riviera , Roodepan , Royldene , Springbok , Square Hill Park , Strydenburg , Sutherland , Van der Kloof , Vanwyksvlei , Vergenoeg , Verwoerdpark , Victoria West , Vosburg , Warrenton , West End , Williston
Local Business opportunity!!!Make sure to be the first to make an appointment!