The Orchards - MR518730

House in The Orchards, Pretoria - North West, Gauteng

R 560,000

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The Orchards - MR518730
House in The Orchards, Pretoria - North West, Gauteng
R 560,000
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards
 of property in The Orchards

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Key Features


  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathrooms

More Features

  • Property Type - House
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 1.57ha
  • Price per square erf meter - R36 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=518730 DID=543104 SID=1

Home; Your Ultimate Nest Of Rest.
There is an inherent desire in each and every one of us to be unique and outstanding. This can be seen in almost everything we do; the clothes we wear, the cars we drive and the homes in which we reside. We want what’s best for us and our loved once. Be that as it may, we would do just about any and everything to keep our peace and tranquility, because let’s face it; what is success without those two qualities? So we wake up early in the morning to go and fulfil our contractual obligations of employment which is a necessity to life. But what if I told you; there is a place you can look forward to every time you knock off from work? A place you cannot wait to set your foot as you drive through traffic with fellow road users. A place that will give you enough room to express yourself and your uniqueness.

Homes are to be a place that reflects our beliefs, our strengths, what we stand for and where we are headed. This could be suitable for a first time home owner, newly weds or an investor looking to invest in a fast developing area. You deserve to live in a space that gives you enough room to grow, make that call and we go view this property. This property provides a friendly neighborhood, a community of people who look after their own. With the schools, parks, convenient stores and more, need I say more? One of the greatest responsibilities of every home is raising kids into responsible and positive contributors of the society tomorrow. The unfortunate part is; you can't do that all by yourself, you need a community of people who lead the kind of lives you wouldn't mind your kids following. Beyond what the pictures may paint in your mind, come and have a first-hand experience of this place,: call me.

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