Seshego - MR513085

Commercial in Seshego, Polokwane, Limpopo

R 1,423,000

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Seshego - MR513085
Commercial in Seshego, Polokwane, Limpopo
R 1,423,000
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego
 of property in Seshego

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Commercial
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 625m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R2,277 per m2
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=513085 DID=537468 SID=1

    Commercial Property For Sale In Seshego H.
    Great opportunity to make money on a business property. This property is situated in Seshego and currently occupied with tenants. Offers a spacious, open plan Offices, a store room, kitchen with scullery, 2 bathrooms for male and females, parking that accommodate 4 to 6 cars, security officer at the gate, a huge open space that can be utilized for community events and paved yard.

    This property is located close to Seshego shopping complex, a filling station, and is near many amenities.

    Make that call for viewing [hidden] Property For Sale In Seshego H.
    Great opportunity to make money on a business property. This property is situated in Seshego and currently occupied with tenants. Offers a spacious, open plan Offices, a store room, kitchen with scullery, 2 bathrooms for male and females, parking that accommodate 4 to 6 cars, security officer at the gate, a huge open space that can be utilized for community events and paved yard.

    This property is located close to Seshego shopping complex, a filling station, and is near many amenities.

    Make that call for viewing appointment.

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