Heatherdale - MR510109

House in Heatherdale, Pretoria - North West, Gauteng

R 2,736,000

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Heatherdale - MR510109
House in Heatherdale, Pretoria - North West, Gauteng
R 2,736,000
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale
 of property in Heatherdale

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Key Features


  • 1 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathrooms

More Features

  • Property Type - House
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 1.06ha
  • Price per square erf meter - R258 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=510109 DID=534493 SID=1

Investment And Land Ownership Opportunity Is Right Here With This Plot.
The idea of having space in the form of land can never be expressed enough, we all deserve a place that allows us to spread our wings, grow, develop and fly. We are presenting a place that is an epitome of where a home should be located. We are talking about investment opportunity right in your backyard. This property is situated at corner stand Akasia, Heatherdale AH and has three buildings and an entertainment area. The three buildings are: 3 garage building with a storeroom/office, the one bedroom building with a kicthen, living area, bathroom that is currently being occupied by the the owners and the third building was a full family home building that was rented out to tenants, unfortunately it was burned down by a gas fire as can be seen on the photos.

Have you ever heard someone say, gone are the good old days? Well, such is foreign when it comes to this property because it comes loaded with wonders of the good old quality days. Opportunities are not always as they normally say, but that should not be a phrase to describe your home status. This is because, you do have an opportunity to own a home right here that is found in a huge yard. After all is said and done, we all should look forward to being home because when we are there, so much in our lives just makes sense.
In addition to the above the property has rented out a space for a cellphone tower that it's generationg R6500 pm and the entertainment area comes with a lapa, boma, and a swimming pool with a dolphin shaped has been closed off/backfilled.

If this idea is what you had in mind for your family and business, call me for a viewing.

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