Rosedale - MR489250

House in Rosedale, Capetown - Cape Flats, Western Cape

R 1,499,000

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Rosedale - MR489250
House in Rosedale, Capetown - Cape Flats, Western Cape
R 1,499,000
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 of property in Rosedale
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 of property in Rosedale
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 of property in Rosedale
 of property in Rosedale
 of property in Rosedale
 of property in Rosedale
 of property in Rosedale

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Key Features


  • 6 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms

More Features

  • Property Type - House
  • Seller Type - Private Property

MyRoof Stats

PID=489250 DID=513664 SID=1

SOLD-Well situated 6 Bedroom house in Rosedale is calling for a new owner. This spacious property provides the following: 3 bedrooms downstairs, lounge, dining room, kitchen, laundry, full bathroom with hand shower and separate toilet. Upstairs. you have 3 more bedrooms comprising shower, hand basin and toilet, linen cupboard in passage.
Downstairs it provides 3 bedrooms, separate toilet and full bathroom. This area also comes with a kitchenette fitted with hob only. Here you will also find two sliding doors, one from the kitchenette and 1 from the 3rd bedroom leading onto a balcony where you will find an outside built-in braai. Spacious yard with lots of parking. Close to all amenities, public transport and schools.

Neighbouring Areas

Austinville , Bardale Village , Bayview - CT , Beacon Valley , Beverly Park , Bishop Lavis , Blackheath , Blue Downs , Bongweni , Bonteheuwel , Bridgetown , Cafda Village , Charlesville , Colorado , Coniston Park , Cross Roads , De Wijnlanden , Delft , Delft South , Dennemere , Devon Park , Diepwater , Diskom - Sherwood Park , Eerste River , Eindhoven , Ekuphumleni , Electric City , Fairdale , Fairways , Forest Heights , Forest Village , Gaylee , Grassy Park , Greenfield , Griffiths Mxenge , Guguletu , Hagley , Hagley , Hanover Park , Harare , Heather Park, Cape Town , Heideveld , High Places , Highbury , Highgate , Hill View , Hillcrest Heights , Hindle Park , Ikwezi Park , Ilitha Park , Kalksteenfontein , Khayelitsha , Kleinvlei , Klipfontein Village , Langa , Lavender Hill , Lentegeur , Lotus River , Lyndoch , Malibu Village , Mandalay , Mandelapark , Matroosfontein , Mfuleni , Mitchells Plain , Montana , Montevideo , Morgenster - Beacon Valley , New Eastridge , Newfields , Nooitgedacht , Nyanga , Ottery , Pelikan Park , Perm Gardens , Philipi , Portland , Retreat , Rocklands , Roosendal , Rosedale , Russel`s Rest , Ruyterwacht , Schaapkraal , Seawinds , Sheraton Park , Sillwood Heights , Steenberg , Strandfontein , Stratford Green , Sunbird Park , Tafelsig , Tembani , The Conifers , Turf Hall Estate , Tuscany Glen , Vanguard , Victoria Merge , Village 1 South , Vogelvlei , Voorbrug , Washington Square , Weltevreden Valley , Wesbank , Westridge CP , Wetton , Yorkshire Estate , Zeekoei Vlei

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