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SUPER SPACIOUS FULL TITLE Townhouse with 3 Bedrooms, study, 2 HUGE living areas, 2 garages & 2 carports, 2 huge Jojo tanks with Levy of only R150 pm in Magalieskruin.PRICED to sell Quick!! R150 000 below market value!!1st Offer 1st Served!!
Christiaanville AH , Magalieskruin , Mondustria , Montana , Montana Park , Montana Tuine , Wonderboom
Annlin , Annlin West , Bon Accord , Cynthia Vale AH , Doornpoort , Onderstepoort , Onderstepoort AH
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SUPER SPACIOUS FULL TITLE Townhouse with 3 Bedrooms, study, 2 HUGE living areas, 2 garages & 2 carports, 2 huge Jojo tanks with Levy of only R150 pm in Magalieskruin.
PRICED to sell Quick!! R150 000 below market value!!
1st Offer 1st Served!!