It would seem that this property is a bit camera shy, we will try our best to get some photos. While we do our best to ensure that every property's location is correctly mapped, we cannot guarantee accuracy.
Azaleapark , Boschdal , Boshoek , Cashan , Doornlaagte , Freedom Park , Geelhoutpark , Kraalhoek , Monnakato , Protea Park (North West) , Protea Park Remove , Rustenburg , Rustenburg North , Rustenburg Oos-Einde , Safarituine , Seraleng , Waterkloof (Rustenburg) , Waterval East , Zandfontein , Zinniaville
Prime spot !
Dr consulting rooms near Peglare Hospital, shops and schools !
This property consists of 3 consulting rooms and small offices with storage space.
Aircons, alarm and remote gate.
Secure parking inside the premises ! !