Kensington - JHB - MR343980

House in Kensington - JHB, Johannesburg - East, Gauteng

R 1,800,000

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Kensington - JHB - MR343980
House in Kensington - JHB, Johannesburg - East, Gauteng
R 1,800,000
4 Bedroom House for Sale For Sale in Kensington - JHB - MR343980

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Key Features


  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms

More Features

  • Property Type - House
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Floor Area - 120m2
  • Erf Size - 999m2
  • Price per square floor meter - R15,000 per m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R1,802 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=343980 DID=363309 SID=1

A Beautifull home for sale in kensington
this home it consists of 4bedrooms build in caboard, lounge, dinning, an entrance hall , fitted kitchen, double lock up garage, remoted controled gate, swimming pool and a full cottage consists of 1 bedroom, lounge and 1bathroom and a bachelor flat and 2 extra rooms.

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