This is a Standard Bank Mandated Property. If you are interested in this property, use our online Make An Offer process. Standard Bank only accepts offers made in this manner. Email any queries to [email protected].
Continue reading...The steps involved in buying this property is similar to that of buying any other property. All offers are made Online on If you require finance for this property, you can apply at any bank for a bond, as you would do on any other property. You need to take the signed Offer to Purchase to them with the application documentation. Read Standard Bank frequently asked questions for more info about Standard Bank Insolvent Property
Dawncliffe , Escombe , Hillary , Malvern - DBN , Memorial Park , Mount Vernon , Queensburgh
Arena Park , Bay View , Bayview , Bellair - DBN , Bonela , Burlington Heights , Cato Manor , Caversham Glen , Chatsworth - KZN , Chesterville , Coedmore , Croftdene , Crossmoor , Demat , Glen Park , Havenside , Kharwastan , Mariann Heights , Mariann Industrial Park , Mariann Ridge , Mariannhill , Mariannhill Park , Mayville (KZN) , Montclair (Dbn) , Montford , Moorton , Moseley , Moseley Park , Nazareth , Nirvana Hills , Northdene , Paradise Valley , Queensmead Industrial , Ridgeview , Risecliff , Savanna Park , Sea View , Shallcross , Silverglen , Southcliff , St Wendolins Ridge , Umhlatuzana , Umkumbaan , Welbedacht , Westcliff - DBN , Wiggins , Woodhaven , Woodhurst , Yellowwood Park