Mohlakeng - MR548175

Land in Mohlakeng, Gauteng - West, Gauteng

R 190,000

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Private Property

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Mohlakeng - MR548175
Land in Mohlakeng, Gauteng - West, Gauteng
R 190,000
Land for Sale For Sale in Mohlakeng - Home Sell - MR548175
Front View
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng
Front View of property in Mohlakeng

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Front View
Front View

Key Features


  • Rates and Taxes R100

More Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 320m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R594 per m2

MyRoof Stats

PID=548175 DID=572526 SID=1


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Notes about this property by MyRoof

This land is for sale in Mohlakeng. This is a private property sale. The following description of this suburb will give you a better idea of Mohlakeng. Mohlakeng is situated in Gauteng West near Soweto

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This land is situated in a Residential Suburb

This land has monthly rates or ground taxes payable to the amount of R 100.

If you make an online offer using the Make An Offer button MyRoof will let you know if your offer was successful. To make an offer takes less than a minute. By selling privately the owner can reduce his asking price by as much as 7% (agents commission is up to 7%) and still get the same money in his pocket! That is why buying private property makes so much sense. Feel free to contact us for more information.

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