Wolmer - MR511676

Land in Wolmer, Pretoria - North West, Gauteng

R 396,000

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Wolmer - MR511676
Land in Wolmer, Pretoria - North West, Gauteng
R 396,000
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer
 of property in Wolmer

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Key Features

  • Property Type - Land
  • Seller Type - Private Property
  • Erf Size - 668m2
  • Price per square erf meter - R593 per m2
  • MyRoof Stats

    PID=511676 DID=536059 SID=1

    Here Is A Vacant Land For Your Dream Home Or Business Space.

    The stand is big and found not so far from the park and main streets. You can make your dreams of building a beautiful house a reality. For a business person who wishes to go into rental business, this can also be a chance for you to build that commune or rooms in a safe and developing suburb. The community is surrounded by essential amenities like schools, convenient stores, recreational places and much more. The place offers a friendly neighborhood where kids are still able to paly outside with their peers and parents are able to walk home from work even in the evening people are able to visit their loved ones and friends. Land remains one of the best and most valuable commodity in life. No matter how successful we may aspire to become; we must first belong somewhere and homes are that one space of peace, love and continued support. You don't hove to correct anyone's effort; build your own design.

    Homes are to be a place that reflects our beliefs, our strengths, what we stand for and where we are headed. Great people deserve great homes; are you the one I’m describing? Let’s talk hospitality and accommodation business; your competitive edge stems from a place that makes a solid statement that says; you have come to the right place, a place of greatness, is your business the one? You cannot achieve all that I’ve mentioned in a limited space and if you know what I am talking about then surely you understand why I consider this to be a lifetime opportunity. Being home should award you an opportunity to live like a King or Queen in a castle, with your Prince and Princesses running around freely. A lot can be spoken about this space; you have a chance, don't delay because this is wolmer: a community of people just like you. I am waiting for your call.

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